Mundane News

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My internet has been on the fritz all evening. I should be fitting a revolving door...


Legendary Member
It's Black Bin Day today.
Still dark out and a bit of a breeze but nought as bad as it has been.

Blue bin day here, but it won’t be going out until the lorry is nearly here or it’ll disappear. Still very windy here.
I had a go at trying to learn how to play my clarinet yesterday . I have a book which has cd's with it to help you learn . I find it goes a bit to quickly for me and jumps on to the next tune before I'm ready. I'm also trying to follow those little tadpole things hanging on telegraph lines. I find that I tend to get out of phase a bit and might not put as many notes in as there should be . How do those people in an orchestra not lean over to the person next to them and ask where they are ? :wacko:
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