Mundane News

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The wind is pretty bad here at the moment.

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A side effect of the wind is that there's lots of electricity being generated. I've just set the immersion heater to come on between 03:30 and 05:00, and the electric heating to come on at the same time, as the electricity prices will be negative between those periods. It makes a change to get paid to use electricity.


Do you work in a jail?

That’s way too many normally most you have is 2 , Mrs also has a key for health care.
The other give away is you can’t get out the guard room putting them back in the key locker.
Though some prisons are now electronic locks so you don’t need a normal cell key or landing one.
I have two more keys on my work keyrings, bringing the total to a staggering thirty four.
Yours sincerely,
Jangling Jane.

Ah, now we can *definitely* hear you coming from a mile away ;)

Plus you get a free workout, lugging that lot around. :training:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I have 5 keys, 2 door fobs and one for the car. 2 keys are for bike D-locks. There's a Belgian beer bottle opener attached to the car fob. One of the keys is a complete mystery to me but I don't dare throw it away because I'll not remember what it's for until the moment I discard it. They all live in the left pocket of whichever trousers I'm wearing. A vagrant used tissue has also found its way into the same pocket.

Why do they call this kind of thing an inventory when I haven't invented any of it?
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