Mundane News

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Oh the joy of being young.Son and his GF went to see a house on Saturday.They have decided it is time to stop made their bid, full asking price,only to be told this morning other bids have matched theirs.So another bid in,i feel for all young people trying to get a foot on the ladder.This house had five viewings Saturday,a previous house thirty two.So they wait till tomorrow now to see if they are lucky.


Turns out today is anniversary of the death of George Holyoake. A key active player in humanist history and founder secularist, He was also an active promoter of the cooperative movement. He was arrested in 1842 becoming the last person to be found guilty of blasphemy by a jury and sentenced to six months in Gloucester gaol.
His crime, publicly suggesting that during hard times, 'the deity' be put on 'half pay' - as to comment on the high cost of the Church, and the financial struggles of ordinary working people.

Odd to think that such an outdated law only went in 2008 , Scotland only need it 2021.Still even worse in some countries it still brings a sentence of death.


Vice Admiral
You get what you pay for cheep petrol ones just won't last. Honda lzy are pretty bullet proof used them commercially for years and still use one at home. Battery tec is improving all the time so don't rule out EV ones again avoid really cheep. If I ever go back self employed full time i'd go EV mover ect.
Ever thought of turning some into a meadow or wild flower area?

I spoke to someone very knowledgeable about approximate prices of mowers. They stock, for instance, a Haytor "roller" mower with 16 inch cutting width or an Atco self propelled petrol mower, 16 inch) for about £450. The battery ones are about £200 more expensive. This is an independent business, not one of the giant "sheds" garden centre.

When I visit their shop, I will take someone with me who knows about mowers, but I needed an approximate idea of cost.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
It has been mild enough here for me to be out in the garden. The wind was on the chilly side, but not blowing all the time. I added ooddles of cardboard to the very wet compost bin, and tried to tidy up the two door cupboard. Long story short, I may need to start keeping a lawn mower in that cupboard.

What sort of mowers have you got? The lawn is about fifty feet long, and thirty feet wide. At the end of the garden is a headland (of a field, not coast) about fifteen feet wide, then cultivated fields as far as the eye can see. So I think a very short lawn looks silly against that background.

Would you go for one that uses petrol or rechargeable battery?

One of the things to watch out for with rechargeable battery tools is whether the battery is likely to be discontinued in the near future. Personally, I'd go for petrol & would happily replace my mains mower with one.


I spoke to someone very knowledgeable about approximate prices of mowers. They stock, for instance, a Haytor "roller" mower with 16 inch cutting width or an Atco self propelled petrol mower, 16 inch) for about £450. The battery ones are about £200 more expensive. This is an independent business, not one of the giant "sheds" garden centre.

When I visit their shop, I will take someone with me who knows about mowers, but I needed an approximate idea of cost.

Used Hayters in my work too as do many parks dept and many ground staff well made machines and give good results. Still a British company. Atco are not what they use to be after Bosch bought them and hollowed out the company in mid 2000's. Selling all but name to another British maker Allett Mowers who rebranded then current Atco models under own name. Finally selling off the name around 2013 to a company in Italy, who now make them.
I'd also always go for self propelled makes things easier all round and go no less than 14in cut less than that is pretty pointless.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Shambles of a day.
Up at 0630 to get an easy start without rushing.
As I was leaving a hail shower with lightning and the road was about a couple of inches deep for about 2 miles.
Arrived eventually at Craignure after a near miss with a couple of hinds suddenly jumping out of a hedge across the road.
0945 ferry not sailing so into the office to change tickets with a learner behind the desk Aaaargh
Eventually fought my way through the system and boot to the floor for Fishnish where I just made it to that ferry which had recovered from the earlier problems.
Hail showers and bright sunshine with ice by the roadside on higher ground. Got behind a touroid car for a relatively easy run to Corran ferry which was free to Blue Badge holders.
Hard going on the A82 with narrow road and timber lorries but better once I got to the A828.
Oban 95 miles as opposed to none if the main ferry was working. Apart from weather it has now broken down so not running tomorrow regardless.
email from Calmac that all my tickets have been cancelled so phone Craignure office but after the endless rambling I get a call centre who say my return ticket has not been cancelled.
They send me confirmation of this but gmail will not accept incoming mail without a password. Grrr.
I need to go for a lie down.
Turns out today is anniversary of the death of George Holyoake. A key active player in humanist history and founder secularist, He was also an active promoter of the cooperative movement. He was arrested in 1842 becoming the last person to be found guilty of blasphemy by a jury and sentenced to six months in Gloucester gaol.
His crime, publicly suggesting that during hard times, 'the deity' be put on 'half pay' - as to comment on the high cost of the Church, and the financial struggles of ordinary working people.

Odd to think that such an outdated law only went in 2008 , Scotland only need it 2021.Still even worse in some countries it still brings a sentence of death.

The even odder thing is that the bit of the Bible this is based on, most likely refers to the then common practice of Kings and Priests claiming that they are the representation of God on earth. In the account, God specifically forbids the practice of rulers claiming to speak for God and using this as the basis for their authority.
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The even odder thing is that the bit of the Bible this is based on, most likely refers to the then common practice of Kings and Priests claiming that they are the representation of God on earth. In the account, God specifically forbids the practice of rulers claiming to speak for God and using this as the basis for laws.

Which makes even the idea of state religion even more questionable.
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