Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright & breezy Suffolk where we have clear skies, bright sunshine and it's quite damp underfoot from last night's rain.
Now it's warmed up a bit I may stand a chance of getting the kitchen floor steam mopped and having it dry fairly quickly so that's the main item on the list of things to do today. I also need to give the car a quick run as it's not been moved for a couple of weeks and get some milk in for breakfast/hot chocolates for the week.

Unfortunately I also have to get back into working week mode having had last week off.


Leg End Member
Morning .
Did you survive?
The sky is a mixture of clear sky and cloud ." The clouds seem to be moving slowly although the trees are gently swaying a bit..."
"...will ye go lassie go. And we'll all go together..."
Lots of roads blocked due to fallen trees.
This means the crew could not reach the ferry at Lochaline. Eventually reached there and there was a power cut so could not start the engine tho' why they would need mains power for that I do not know.
Update sometime when they get going.
Craignure of course is still a decision to be made at 0945 as to whether to sail or not but I have to get down there in case they do sail or if going via Lochaline they may have got the engine going.

If it relies on electricity you would think that they would have an auxiliary engine to drive a generator?


Leg End Member
I was at a small concert, the Doonan Brothers I think. At the sound of those first few words, two people near me burst into tears. :sad:

Is the song about someone dying, or have they already died?

I need to find the CD and check that name.
It's about a young man searching for his one true love.
That was fun!
I was given a book with CD's to try to learn how to play a clarinet. They thought it might help . I am a complete ! I haven't even got to the novice stage . Being a bit deaf also doesn't help . I thought that perhaps it might reassure me that what noises I make sound similar to what theirs does. What I didn't find helpful was that the piano sounds similar to their clarinet. Also if I try to play along I can't hear what they are doing because I drown out their efforts . I am beyond help! The CD's also don't help in that they don't go over each piece again but race onto the next tune . I have packed it in for today . I think I might have learnt the difference between a white and black tadpole.
I was at a small concert, the Doonan Brothers I think. At the sound of those first few words, two people near me burst into tears. :sad:

Is the song about someone dying, or have they already died?

I need to find the CD and check that name.

Why is it that a lot of the good tunes which we sing along to are sad? "No more I Love Yous " by Annie Lennox as an example?
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