Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
How important is a "mulching" facility on a mower?


Legendary Member
It's Monday.
That's even worse.

I did actually manage to get quite a bit done today - one load of washing done, changed the bedding, kitchen floor mopped and the car was given a quick run to keep the battery charged* and enough diesel added to see me through to the end of the month. After lunch (a past its sell by date bacon & egg sarnie costing all of 10p from the petrol station) there was enough time for a quick bike ride to check if the ice had cleared from part of my commute and yes it had so all is good for tomorrow morning.

*It started first time despite not being used for two weeks in the bitter cold, so the solar trickle charger must be doing something.
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
What happens when you start the stop watch on your phone then get distracted. First number is hours 😂



Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
What happens when you start the stop watch on your phone then get distracted. First number is hours 😂

View attachment 719583

I'm sure you'll be quicker on lap 2.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Certainly. but those who seek power rarely care about what form it comes in. A good example of this is the wonderfully cynical Bishop Talleyrand, who was appointed as a bishop by Louis XVI in pre revolutionary France, then swapped sides to the revolution, then to Napoleon, and somehow ended up helping to draw the map of Europe after Waterloo. He ended up as the 'Prince of Talleyrand'.

Remember him from the XYZ Affair.
It's been a mostly sunny and rather mild if breezy day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Laundered my white coat this morning - amongst other things. Spent the afternoon cutting firewood for as long as I had fuel in the chainsaw. I'd completely used up my supply of cut logs in the garage, so I had to replenish my stock. The trailer is now nearly empty. I will move the last few lengths out, and then later this week, I will go and round up the small i.e. anything less than two inches diameter that Storm Isha has left scattered around the garden. I will be well stocked with kindling and small wood after that.

Really enjoyed my day judging at the Exotic and the Blue-Cream shows. Not a big household pet entry, but a very high quality one. Posted my reports yesterday, and they're already up on the GCCF website at if anyone here wants a good giggle. ;) Highlight of the day was doing the overall Best in Show Household Pet in front of the audience.

I've also been booked to steward at the Coventry and Leicester - I'll be handling a mix of British, Burmese, Asian, Siamese and Orientals. The judge I'll be stewarding for was the steward for the other Household Pet judge on Saturday. I've actually stewarded for this lady before - a memorable occasion because the spiral binder on her judge's book broke apart that particular day, sending paperwork cascading all over the floor, and me scrabbling about under the cat pens to retrieve stuff. :laugh:

I am about to buy my new printer. I ended up deciding on the mid-range Epson Eco Tank ET-2811 rather than the more basic one, mainly down to the fact that John Lewis customer service is way better than Argos or Currys. Plus I can do a click & collect in Waitrose at a time that suits me.

Anyways, time for a nice :cuppa:
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