Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Why is it that a lot of the good tunes which we sing along to are sad? "No more I Love Yous " by Annie Lennox as an example?

They let the sadness out?
had a lovely mid-winter day at the beach Saturday

The monthly battle with Excel has begun.

So far it's 1-1: Excel decided to insert a formula which it wouldn't let me exit so I had to restart. I'd expected this so I've been saving every 30 seconds or so, and I don't have to redo much.

I won, eventually.

Took about half an hour to do a ten minute job. Isn't progress wonderful?
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Good morning from a chilly and breezy Suffolk - is it the weekend already?

It's Monday.


Vice Admiral
It has been mild enough here for me to be out in the garden. The wind was on the chilly side, but not blowing all the time. I added ooddles of cardboard to the very wet compost bin, and tried to tidy up the two door cupboard. Long story short, I may need to start keeping a lawn mower in that cupboard.

What sort of mowers have you got? The lawn is about fifty feet long, and thirty feet wide. At the end of the garden is a headland (of a field, not coast) about fifteen feet wide, then cultivated fields as far as the eye can see. So I think a very short lawn looks silly against that background.

Would you go for one that uses petrol or rechargeable battery?


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Just taken the Salomon dog walking boots in for new soles, they were good value at ~£150. On the other hand, my expensive walking boots (~£300), that I was planning to use while the others are repaired, have holes in the sides of the soles where the material seems to have disintegrated. They're older, but haven't travelled so far.


It has been mild enough here for me to be out in the garden. The wind was on the chilly side, but not blowing all the time. I added ooddles of cardboard to the very wet compost bin, and tried to tidy up the two door cupboard. Long story short, I may need to start keeping a lawn mower in that cupboard.

What sort of mowers have you got? The lawn is about fifty feet long, and thirty feet wide. At the end of the garden is a headland (of a field, not coast) about fifteen feet wide, then cultivated fields as far as the eye can see. So I think a very short lawn looks silly against that background.

Would you go for one that uses petrol or rechargeable battery?

You get what you pay for cheep petrol ones just won't last. Honda lzy are pretty bullet proof used them commercially for years and still use one at home. Battery tec is improving all the time so don't rule out EV ones again avoid really cheep. If I ever go back self employed full time i'd go EV mover ect.
Ever thought of turning some into a meadow or wild flower area?
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