Mundane News

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Morning .
Did you survive?
The sky is a mixture of clear sky and cloud . The clouds seem to be moving slowly although the trees are gently swaying a bit.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lots of roads blocked due to fallen trees.
This means the crew could not reach the ferry at Lochaline. Eventually reached there and there was a power cut so could not start the engine tho' why they would need mains power for that I do not know.
Update sometime when they get going.
Craignure of course is still a decision to be made at 0945 as to whether to sail or not but I have to get down there in case they do sail or if going via Lochaline they may have got the engine going.


Legendary Member
Making my porridge on a camping stove by candlelight.

Childhood memories.
As children you seem to be able to find wild animals. It must be that they are closer to the ground . :whistle: You seem to be more able to find things , Slow worms, wild rabbits, newts, moles and a bat. As a child they are all exciting finds. Finding newts in a pond was a thrill , they looked like miniature dinosaurs to a young child . We never found frogs where I lived . Finding a live mole under a sheet of corrugated tin was fun . The mole let me pick it up , it didn't struggle , the fur so black and smooth like velvet. I put it back down and it scurried off. The bat I found lying by the side of a road . My friend and I were walking back from his house to mine . It was still light being late afternoon. I picked it up and it bit me! It was dangling from my finger . They have sharp teeth . It didn't draw blood. Being kids we thought that we needed to keep it safe and that they hung upside down so we cut a slot in the top of a shoe box placed the bat inside and placed the box in my dads shed . We had the bat long enough to call the bat Freddie . How were we supposed to know that the bat would climb out and that my cat would find it . It didn't survive ! We gave it a good send off and buried it next to our apple tree.
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