Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Time for my walk


Itching to get back on my bike's
Clear blue sky slowly being revealed and a very orangey coloured sun rise.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sill a coating of snow but the temperature is above freezing so should thaw soon I hope.
Disturbed as I was just drifting off to sleep by a beep from some electronic thing which was repeated at irregular intervals. One of these annoying things which are hard to pin down.
Eventually settled on the weather station thing and removed the batteries which stopped the noise. Reset it this morning and it started the same nonsense again.
Outrage in Oban as two shops were burgled and money, alcohol and some high end clothing stolen.
Such crime is not common here and it is a long time since we had a burglery.
Cars used to be "borrowed" by people who wanted to get home a long way after a night out as keys were commonly left in them but not heard of that for some time. Drug dealers used to come over on the late night ferry on a Friday night to do some business and get the early morning one back out. They were known to "borrow" cars from the car park at Craignure to attend dances further afield but a police watch stopped that.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Siberia Suffolk where it's another bitterly cold start to the day, thick white frost with clear skies and sunshine. I don't think I'll be going anywhere for a while until it warms up a bit. First coffee of the day done and dusted and was one of my better efforts.
Another sub zero commute. Fourth day in the office this week. How did we do five. I'm knackered.
I miss my cold commutes
I'm certainly not missing them this week.
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