Mundane News

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Had a lovely luncheon of a roast pork sandwich (that's the last of that), an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

The last slice of cooked chicken got binned because it was demonstrating rudimentary language skills. Madam Lexi will have to slum it with some ham.

Split a large load of logs. So cold in the garage I was struggling to hold the axe. Am now thawing out by the fire.


Itching to get back on my bike's
My working day is completed
I went out for another ride this afternoon. I went over to my brother's. The ride is on the level although it slopes down to the river and then back up the other side, so it tends to average out. Well it feels more level than the climb out to Biddestone . I stopped at my usual place at Reybridge to see what was about. There were some ducks and a pair of swans a distance up stream . I set off again and came across my first icy slushy area . It was a bit slippery but I managed to get through. On my way back I chose a different route towards the bypass up a narrow lane which was full of ice and slush . The lane is shielded by trees and so doesn't get much sunlight on it . I had avoided the lane before but didn't think . I got through okay . I did another 12 miles .
Here is my Clad Butler taken this afternoon.

I went out for another ride this afternoon. I went over to my brother's. The ride is on the level although it slopes down to the river and then back up the other side, so it tends to average out. Well it feels more level than the climb out to Biddestone . I stopped at my usual place at Reybridge to see what was about. There were some ducks and a pair of swans a distance up stream . I set off again and came across my first icy slushy area . It was a bit slippery but I managed to get through. On my way back I chose a different route towards the bypass up a narrow lane which was full of ice and slush . The lane is shielded by trees and so doesn't get much sunlight on it . I had avoided the lane before but didn't think . I got through okay . I did another 12 miles .

The shadow looks as though it has been painted on the wall! You are Banksy AICMFP 😉

The sunshine was quite strong at that time of day. It became dangerous later on as it had sunk lower and made looking ahead difficult.


Legendary Member
Filled out this morning and a bit of the early afternoon with a few domestics done at a very leisurely pace - a bit of vacuuming, some ironing*, that sort of thing. I also took the clipers to the mess of hair that I've been using as thermal cover but seems to have grown wild this year - I removed so much it clogged the intake of the vacum cleaner.. This was then followed by a visit to the bottle bank and some shopping by bike and the reward of a hot choclate when I got home.

*There should be less of this to do soon as I've got 6 shirts (plus another 4 polo shirts which don't get ironed) and 3 pairs of trousers as uniform for work, but only 14 more uniformed attendances to go.
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