Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Pleasant 7 mile walkies around Pitsford Reservoir this morning with the 🐶.
Chilly @ -4 but not a problem once moving.. 👍



Vice Admiral
On BBC World news this morning, the news reader was asking if it would help if peoples' heads got knocked together. Perhaps we should try that with certain people in Westminster.

Kizzy was announcing the end of the world yesterday. The cause of this? I had washed her favourite blanket and she did not like the (temporary) replacement.

Puma heliocopters have been reported flying over parts of Worcestershire. Are we about to invade Herefordshire?


I'm impressed to hear that solar power can create more energy than it takes to heat your houses when it's sub-zero temperatures.

This cold weather doesn't affect them, they can lose a bit of efficiency if they get very hot.
I have a monitoring app running on my iPad in virtually real time ( 10 second update ). It's fascinating, (as in watching the clothes go round in the washing machine sort of way😁 ) seeing the solar output and the amount of energy the house consumes change as the washing machine heater comes on, Mrs Tkk makes herself a cup of coffee etc.


On BBC World news this morning, the news reader was asking if it would help if peoples' heads got knocked together. Perhaps we should try that with certain people in Westminster.

Kizzy was announcing the end of the world yesterday. The cause of this? I had washed her favourite blanket and she did not like the (temporary) replacement.

Puma heliocopters have been reported flying over parts of Worcestershire. Are we about to invade Herefordshire?

We have Chinooks fly over on a Wednesday when people from the local camp decide they fancy jumping into the sea. Why they can't use the bus like the rest of us I don't know 😉


Might be a bit too much of an initiative test. Reading the bus timetable and then finding a bus.

" So I jumped out of the Chinook into the sea in winter and made it back to Camp undetected. Managed to leg it up and down Pen Y Fan half a dozen times in atrocious weather inside the time limit, but when they gave me a bus timetable and told me to make my own way to Weymouth I realised I wasn't going to make it... "


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Road seems to have cleared a bit tho’ I was not outside to check.
The wind forecast keeps changing so it is impossible to make any reasonable travel plan which is also complicated by the Calmac user unfriendly ticketing system.
The only thing which may work is an early visit to the Calmac office on Monday morning and either get booked on a ferry that day ( which is not likely ) or convert my tickets to the long route via Lochaline and Corran ferry for that day.
All this adds cost but I do get a proportion back as it is a visit to a mainland hospital further away than Oban.
Many mainland dwellers think life here is a doddle but in fact it is full of complications.
It's been another brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright and chhhhhhhhillllllllly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, and treated myself to a little sleep in before spending most of the morning and lunchtime providing a taxi service to the parental unit. Roads out here are mostly clear and dry other than the odd slippy bit in the shade. What's worse is that the cold weather has made the edges of Black Bank crack and subside, so that in parts you can a) stick your hands inside the cracks and b) the edges in places are nearly a foot lower than they should be, which means most people are driving in the middle of the road in order not to have to slow down. I'd much rather slow down than fubar the coil overs on the car.

Afternoon spent doing chores; filling up all the wood bins in the house, emptying the ash pan, emptying the kitchen peelings bucket, making a big pot of soup* and ironing my white coat in preparation for judging at the Exotic & Blue-Cream joint shows on Saturday.

I am glad this cold snap is almost over, as I really do not enjoy it when it gets this cold. It was brutal cold last night, and not much better during the day.

Cat has been fed, and soon it will be time to feed me.

* Scotch broth, made with the bone, cooking juices and gravy from the lamb joint that I cooked recently. Smells lovely!
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