Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've just found 41 pips in a single orange. :wacko:

Don't you mean you found 1 orange around your pips? 😂
I wonder how many car/bike accidents go unnoticed by the general public?

I once worked out that Germany has about 11-12 fatalities due to motor vehicles every day, most of which go entirely unreported.

When I had to do risk assessments for activities with people with disabilities, we found that by far the most dangerous part of any outside activity was driving to and from the location.


Just sat down with a nice :cuppa:. Once home from the dog walk I went straight into bread making mode.
Been a while since i've made any after making my own for best part of a year. Once we got this new oven results got a bit hit and miss, so i've gone right back to the basic well tested recipe that works. Have to see how it go's and if I feel like shaping it for a loaf or just loosely shape and use my cast iron pot.
It is dark out but it looks like there is cloud cover, it looks dry though.
Just sat down with a nice :cuppa:. Once home from the dog walk I went straight into bread making mode.
Been a while since i've made any after making my own for best part of a year. Once we got this new oven results got a bit hit and miss, so i've gone right back to the basic well tested recipe that works. Have to see how it go's and if I feel like shaping it for a loaf or just loosely shape and use my cast iron pot.

That has reminded me that our cooker needs a new bulb in it .


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Nearly time to walk the 🐶. Coffee comes first, though!
Mid morning, I'll be riding down to a rugby ground on t'other side of Hamtun to watch grandson, 9, playing in a competition. 🏉
Isn't it funny how things which might puzzle you the answers might come up unexpectedly?
I was just doing a bit of research on another thread and came up with an answer to a puzzle from yesterday.
I was wondering how the bike I ride yesterday fitted me so well despite being what I would consider too small for me . I normally ride a 23/ 23.5 inch frame . The bike I rode yesterday was a 21.5 in yet the reach felt perfect. I assumed that if I had gone for the correct size then the reach would have been too long. It would if the frame had parallel angles! So I assume that they altered the angles as the frames got bigger! Either that or I couldn't cope with a larger frame !


I once worked out that Germany has about 11-12 fatalities due to motor vehicles every day, most of which go entirely unreported.

When I had to do risk assessments for activities with people with disabilities, we found that by far the most dangerous part of any outside activity was driving to and from the location.

Funny how this came up at the same time as I've just come come across a new book by Grant Ennis.
Dark PR: How corporate disinformation undermines our health and the Environment
Details how big business cover thing up and the tactics they use to discredit stuff. Inc car industry going out the way to cover up death from cars.
I've yet to read it , I need to track a copy down 1st.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A stormy looking sunrise today and I can see rain sweeping across Morvern so not a day to be out.
I had thought of going up to see how my wildlife pal is getting on but I noticed yesterday that his pickup was parked down at his road end so his road is probably impassible by car and I am not going to chance walking.
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