Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Having left the bread to do its own thing via a long and slow prove most of the day.
Just taken it out the oven and left it to rest well I nip out for walk round the block via local Tesco on the way back.
Suppose, just suppose, it continues to do "it's own thing" whilst you're out walking and decides your not going to get back in, what then?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Well...! My pootle to grandson's rugby turned out to be a bit of a phaff!
P*ncture fairy introduced a thorn into my front tyre.
Annoying, but I had tools, spare tube etc.
When I was at the ground, I pumped the tyre up a bit more as it was soft. After the match finished (grandson scored two trys 😎) the tyre was flat again. Tube was removed and inside of the tyre was checked.. Nothing!
Turns out that it was the valve core was being loosened when I was unscrewing the pump thingie. No way could I tighen it enough to stay there when I took the pump off! There's a Halfords 3 miles up the bike path so I managed to get enough air to stay in until I got there planning on buying a new tube.
The nice helpful Polish, I think, chap on the bike counter tightened the valve core for me and used the track pump to properly inflate the tyre. He even put a few puffs into the back tyre, too! What a nice fella 👍

Anyways.. I got back home eventually 😂


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out a dry day but a bitterly cold wind and the temperature never went above 2.5C.
I have 4 large fish farm boxes filled with camping stuff, bike stuff and a whole lot other stuff I cannot remember so decided to make a start clearing as much as possible out, mostly to the local charity shop.
I find it difficult to dump my old Carradice saddle bag for sentimental reasons but it is so patched and battered nobody would want it anyway. It was a present from my wife for my 21st birthday and is well travelled.
Mu son does cycle but is more interested in being competitive than touring and in any case is only home for a month at a time and his wife would not take kindly to further absences.
They do have a campervan but it is already fully equipped so no need for any of that either.
I would like to sell some of my bikes which I will never use again but not easy here with a limited market and not much idea of realistic prices. Might try Oban were there is a potential market of at least 10000.


Sunday night and out for a bit of music. They've taken away the Christmas decorations this week.
That reminds me on this morning walk I passed the trade 2024 Christmas Gift fair - next Christmas's tat is already being ordered.


Legendary Member
I've never actually been on the Elizabeth Line but I believe the entrance is just across the hall from the mainline exits (out of shot to the left in the photo). I know that there are 2 ways into tube lines from the hall so if it's not the one that's straight across it's towards the lower right on the photo.
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Many thanks for the info - as long there's an entrance signed and within the main station area I should be able to find it as I've only got a short time between connecting trains. Annoyingly all the Street View shots from inside the station seem to be from 2018 or before.


Legendary Member
I decided to pop out and take a walk to get the train tickets for March's trip printed at my local station, but took the lomger route - 8 1/2 miles via Felixstowe sea front. Oddly it wasn't as busy along there as on Chr***mas eve or New Year's Eve despite 'better' conditions.
A little bonus is that the homeward leg takes me past Lidl so a quick stop was made for a couple of donuts as energy food.
It's been a grey and raw day here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept well and slept in a bit. I was *MEANT* to have a quiet day, but in between doing a load of laundry, putting away yesterday's groceries (all the chilled stuff was still nicely cold after a night in the car boot at 2C), filling up the log bins, making soup, quiche, re-jigging the fridges... I have only *JUST* sat down.

Quiet day, my arse...

Now watching the snooker after a very fine supper of cream of cauliflower soup with some stilton crumbled into it, a slice of turkey, bacon & leek quiche and a portion of coleslaw. And a :cuppa: of course.


Legendary Member
I've also been playing with Strava for routes for Liverpool Street to Euston (and back the next day) for February. If the weather's bad I can do the 3 mile short route and have a cuppa while waiting for the connecting train

If the weather's good, there's the 11 mile 'tourist' option which should be doable in about 60 minutes
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