Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Wifey has some form of a quadriceps tendon tear :B). she was able get the school nurse to walk her to her car w/ her stuff & she drove herself to the urgent care, where I met her, last night. breakfast in bed this morning & she'll need some kind of treatment in coming days & weeks. guess we're not skiing or snowshoeing this winter

GWS Wifeyrockyroller 🤗


Vice Admiral
The police helicopter is circling our bit of town...
I hope they saw that I put the dog poo in the proper bin while Bonnie &I were out for a couple of miles walkies!!


I know I have posted this before but .... :laugh:


Ebikes outing included a stop at Asda as the Trolley app revealed one of the things I had forgot was 30p cheaper there. Onto Morrisons I had one those situations where I pondered whether it would it be quicker to get off and walk. Persisted and wished I had walked as a right turning car at the front of queue spent ages waiting for a gap in both directions. Sainsburys was a bit of a let down - sold out of free from steak pies and sponge puddings seemingly no longer stocked. The sun had disappeared when I left their.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Congratulations to @dicko and his wife should also get a mention.

Library done and picked up the meds the pharmacy had in stock. Some not in so try again next week.
Suggestion of sunshine and considered getting the trike out but then rain started again so scrapped that.
Went gardening and got rid of some brambles and had a further look at my top shed which is not in good condition but will need to try repairs soon.
Started inside the shed to clear out some stuff but I have a vast amount of hand tools and power tools I am unlikely to ever use again. I grudge just giving them away to the charity shop who may well junk them anyway. What I need is a car boot sale. The power tools would be better brought down to the house to get properly dried out as they are no doubt a bit damp.
I have a very old spare chest freezer taking up space so that could go to free up some house room.


Legendary Member
The toast won the battle to accompany the second cuppa of the day.

And yet again as soon as I got a few miles from home on this afternoon's bike ride, the cloud cover came over and it stayed like that for the rest of the day. Despite that and the cold I thoroughly enjoyed the two and a bit hours out as it was the first time this year I've been able to use one of the bikes NOT fitted with mudguards.

Things are looking promising for my non-working week ahead...


Legendary Member
I'll be 75 in May but am going to start counting my birthdays in Celsius so I will only be 24 🤔

In that case I will be either 288 or 332 in February based on the Kelvin scale
It's been a drab and drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Treated myself and slept in, which was nice. Madam Lexi joined me, so I had a nice purry self-heating hot water bottle. Had a quiet day which mainly involved watching some seriously good snooker. I am SO looking forward to tomorrow's final.

Also went to Tesco for a few bits, mainly brought on by a need for milk, potatoes and a selection of cat treats for next Saturday - I'm judging at a show, and always take treats and toys for the cats that I judge. I ended up with salmon, prawns, ham, green beans, salad onions and croissants on yellow sticker. Madam Lexi will be MOST pleased by the first three of those items. I also bought a fluffy fleece winter duvet set that was on a very good offer, which conveniently allowed me to use a money off voucher for my shopping.

I may do some work on my database later, but am not really in the mood.

Just chilling by the fire browsing the Bay of E and supping a :cuppa:
Oh, and I left all the groceries in the car overnight to save me traipsing to the utility room in the dark. Weather app on laptop says it's 2C outside right now.

Oh and the petrol station will be shut for a month because they'll be re-lining all the tanks. I asked the lady on the till when I went to pay for the fuel I bought for the mower & chain saw.
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