Mundane News

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Legendary Member
The flight from Bournemouth to Lanzarote has just gone over. I recently foud a photo of myself competing in a race in Lanzarote back in '92. I look so thin!

I would have been too in 92. Sadly, age, slowing metabolism, menopause, etc have taken their toll in the last few years and I can't seem to lose an ounce unless I stop eating!


Legendary Member
Good morning from a chilly Suffolk where the skies are a uniform grey but at least the winds look to be light judging by the trees the other side of the rail line. Yet another quiet morning of having a lie in listening to the radio, catching up with the news and drinking a very good mug of coffee which is just how I like to start the day.

At some point this week I must plan direct & scenic (depending on the weather) cycle routes from London Liverpool Street to Euston stations for a trip I'm doing next month. Also does anyone know where the Elizabeth Line access is from the mainline platforms at Liverpool Street for yet another trip I'm doing in March?


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Good morning from a chilly Suffolk where the skies are a uniform grey but at least the winds look to be light judging by the trees the other side of the rail line. Yet another quiet morning of having a lie in listening to the radio, catching up with the news and drinking a very good mug of coffee which is just how I like to start the day.

At some point this week I must plan direct & scenic (depending on the weather) cycle routes from London Liverpool Street to Euston stations for a trip I'm doing next month. Also does anyone know where the Elizabeth Line access is from the mainline platforms at Liverpool Street for yet another trip I'm doing in March?

I've never actually been on the Elizabeth Line but I believe the entrance is just across the hall from the mainline exits (out of shot to the left in the photo). I know that there are 2 ways into tube lines from the hall so if it's not the one that's straight across it's towards the lower right on the photo.


Legendary Member
Having started to feel crap on Friday, I tested positive for Covid this morning. Feels like dose of man flu, but at least I can work from home for the week.


Leg End Member
Funny how this came up at the same time as I've just come come across a new book by Grant Ennis.
Dark PR: How corporate disinformation undermines our health and the Environment
Details how big business cover thing up and the tactics they use to discredit stuff. Inc car industry going out the way to cover up death from cars.
I've yet to read it , I need to track a copy down 1st.
This One? £16.05 plus delivery.


Legendary Member
I once worked out that Germany has about 11-12 fatalities due to motor vehicles every day, most of which go entirely unreported.

When I had to do risk assessments for activities with people with disabilities, we found that by far the most dangerous part of any outside activity was driving to and from the location.

It's the argument people always use here to complain about enforcement of speed limits. Germany has no speed limits and have less deaths than us. None of which is actually true.


Smidge under 4 mile walk into town and back this morning - Tesco Express typically devoid of anything I might want that is listed on the Tesco web site. M&S gift voucher worked today so 4 free green bananas for later in the week. On the return waved the attention of a driver who was driving with his hazards on. 97ft climbed/mile so nicely warm without any thermals on.
It's the argument people always use here to complain about enforcement of speed limits. Germany has no speed limits and have less deaths than us. None of which is actually true.

65% of Autobahns have no speed limits. Guess where the most deaths occur?

We also have lower speed limits in towns than the UK (7km/h or 4mph in some residential areas) and strict liability everywhere so drivers know they will be held responsible if they hit a cyclist or pedestrian, unless they can prove otherwise. [ETA: and if a cyclist hits a pedestrian the same applies: if I choose to use a bike, I am responsible for any problems]

You could argue those laws make the difference and that the UK should bring them in to reduce deaths.
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