Mundane News

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Could have been worse imagine if it was a kidney stone.
No sign of frost
Bird bath is not frozen
So going to see if I can get a few miles in

The Federal Weather Service has noticed it's a bit cold; they've sent a "Possible icy conditions" warning to my phone. As today is a relatively balmy -4°c compared to yesterdays -7°c, I can't help feeling they are behind the curve on this.

Perhaps it's getting chilly in Berlin.
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Itching to get back on my bike's
The "Federal Weather Service" has noticed it's a bit cold; they've sent a "Possible icy conditions" warning to my phone. As today is a relatively balmy -4°c compared to yesterdays -7°c, I can't help feeling they are behind the curve on this.

Perhaps it's getting chilly in Berlin.

That's too chilly for me.

My phone showed 3c when I went out.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another grey day but at least it is less cold at 4.6C when I got up. Sleet and gales are forecast next week.
I am due off on a ferry in just over a week so I keep an anxious eye on the forecasts.
Try for library again as it should be open by now and the approach should be ice free.

I rarely look at whatsapp so missed a message telling me my BIL had his appendix out on hogmanay. Fortunately they live not too far from the main hospital and both used to work there before they retired.

I wonder how many car/bike accidents go unnoticed by the general public?
Just noticed a cyclist and car had an interaction near Dumbarton on the A82 the other day. Cyclist is reported as being in hospital. This is a road I used to travel a lot by bike when I lived in that area and latterly as a driver with regular trips to Glasgow and beyond.
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Legendary Member
Dreich morning here, not the frost that was forecast.

Having my breakfast, mid perambulation as my Saturday custom. I got my window seat this time so I can people-watch.

I'm pondering how and why the enormous long-wheelbase Toyota LandCruiser outside takes up almost as much road space as the small Iveco lorry being used to deliver coal and how we got to stage that people think they need such monstrosities to drive around town. It doesn't even have a tow bar and has low profile road tyres on massive alloys so not a work vehicle.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it appears to be a lot better than when I first opened the curtains this morning, took one look at the grey skies and promptly closed the curtains again and went back to bed for another hour's doze.
I'm currently trying to decide whether to have a slice of toast or a toasted bagel with the second coffee of the day.


Sunny and currently 6 outside having been 3 and pretty white looking pavements a couple of hours earlier. Ebikes battery on charge for a pick up what I forgot / use the latest app offers ride via Morrisons to Sainsbury's.

Avoided a potential good offer not being such in Waitrose earlier;1.9kg of Vanish powder on offer at £12, a quick look at the Trolley app and 2.1kg is £11 elsewhere
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