Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Just fitted a new loo roll in the bathroom and put the half used one in the downstairs loo as that loo roll hanger won't take a full roll


11 days in and still not feeling it, combo of post Christmas, all the wet , dark days and general life stuff. It's a real struggle to do anything productive eaten way too much crap. Top it off I broke a chunk of a tooth yesterday. Earliest Dentist can fit me in is a fortnight time, they are doing the best they can. It's what it is I know if I'd got pain they'd see me same day. Not lying about it be someone worse than me needing a quick appointment.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Fog forecast overnight and that combined with below zero temperatures should make interesting driving conditions.

Got a very keen GP who seems to have adopted me.
A combination of blue cheese and chocolate [ not both at the same time ] is suspected of upsetting my already dodgy gall bladder so she is referring me to the surgical team in Oban.
Oh joy.
In combination with other problems as yet undiagnosed I will have to decide whether to go ahead with removal. Living on my own makes it impossible for me to get back home until I can drive.Driving when told it is not advisable could nullify my car insurance so I will have to stay with my son's household until I can drive home. Fortunately I have my own ensuite there so not too much interference with their normal life.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just got WhatsApped a photo of an outside thermometer at my sister-in-law's in Calgary. -30C. It's 55 degrees warmer in my living room.
It's been a raw, grey and drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Spent a chunk of the morning and early afternoon outside filling up and then bringing in another trailer of firewood. Had a brain fart moment when I forgot to hitch the trailer to the mower on my way out, and had to go back for it. Whoops! There's still enough wood left for another trailer load, so I shall do that after the weekend, before the weather turns. There's also a dead field maple, a skittled ash tree and two dead oaks nearby, so that'll be the next lot on the agenda. The ash is dangling in its neighbour, so that might be a bit tricky.

Had a lovely luncheon of a roast pork sandwich, a tangerine, a pear and two :cuppa:

Watched the conclusion of Ronnie O'Sullivan v Barry Hawkins match over a late lunch before catching up on some chores (empty ash pan, top up wood bins, dump the kitchen waste into the compost bin and fill up the fruit bowls).

Cat has been fed, soon it will be time to feed me, and now got the Murphy v Lisowski match on. Will do some more on the database later, but I just need some time to chill.


Legendary Member
Library book returned. I didn't take any more out just at the minute as I should read some of the books I've added to my collection from browsing second hang shops.

I did my four walking loop whilst I was out as it's a nice evening.

When I got home again, I couldn't understand why I couldn't get my coat off until I realised I was still wearing a rucksack :laugh: I had forgotten it was there as it was completely empty after leaving the books back.

Boy racers are out playing again.


Legendary Member
A promising sunny start to the day soon reverted to traditional Suffolk grey and with added fine drizzle for the way home. Having done a washing load of cycling clothing which is now on the clothes horse in the spare room, I'm ensconced in the warmth of the living room with a book, some music and my headphones. With the exception of trips to the kitchen for squash/hot chocolate/beer as necessary (and the loo to make room for more) I don't plan on moving any further.
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