Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
A promising sunny start to the day soon reverted to traditional Suffolk grey and with added fine drizzle for the way home. Having done a washing load of cycling clothing which is now on the clothes horse in the spare room, I'm ensconced in the warmth of the living room with a book, some music and my headphones. With the exception of trips to the kitchen for squash/hot chocolate/beer as necessary (and the loo to make room for more) I don't plan on moving any further.

Also Suffolking grey here this afternoon. Can't see the greyness for the dark now though.


Latest Windows 10 update :banghead: Transpired it needs the recovery partition resizing/deleting and recreating. Hence back to the command prompt and the days of DOS.


Legendary Member
Heading out for a wander. Nearest recorded weather station says it’s minus 4 :cold:
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