Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from an office in Suffolk where they still can't get the heating correct on both side of the building after all these years - one side is always warm, the other chilly and guess which side I'm in as I'm sat here in a fleece jacket. Much colder this morning with -1°C on the back garden thermometer and -2°C on the Garmin on the ride in, but at least the wind has dropped considerably.

First coffee of the day downed and only 6 more hours to go until the end of the working week and then I'm not back until 23rd January :dance:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Still sunny.
The cars are covered in overnight frost but the temp is just above freezing at 0.6C. The forecast for the rest of the day shows getting colder with fog.
Going up to the surgery this afternoon and need to remember to get travel expense forms. Island residents get some travel expenses paid for hospital visits beyond Oban.
If sent to Oban it is all your own expense and can be a problem with touroid traffic cluttering up the ferries. Foot travellers mostly need to get a taxi both ways in Oban but some like me take a car which with discounts is less than £25. Cannot give a precise figure as prices are rising soon and this does not include car fuel either.
Strange problem with my gmail this morning and I seem to have been locked out and had to get a new password. This is one problem I can definitely do without as I am not sure I understand how the whole thing works.
Everything is now going digital only from bank accounts to utility bills and I do not entirely trust the whole thing.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I see a business opportunity here.

1. Empty a packet of Corn Flakes on the table.
2. Go to work on them out with a rolling pin and a hammer.
3. Re-package them.
4. Sell them on for twice the price as niche product for those that like cereal dust.


By the time they're all ground down you'll save about 90% of packaging materials. Well on the way to a cardboard neutral economy!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Another trip to the East Midlands today - this time over legal stuff and probate for my mum's will. It's got complicated - for no other reason than being over a very low probate threshold for a building society account - so will now get expensive as solicitors are involved.

Yes, we could do it ourselves but I'd prefer to not have the stress. Which is also why solicitors are expensive.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Another trip to the East Midlands today - this time over legal stuff and probate for my mum's will. It's got complicated - for no other reason than being over a very low probate threshold for a building society account - so will now get expensive as solicitors are involved.

Yes, we could do it ourselves but I'd prefer to not have the stress. Which is also why solicitors are expensive.

Did the same in 2022 for my mother's estate, there is no doubt that using a solicitor makes it much easier.
Oh dear!
My Amazon subscription has expired!
What shall I do? :ohmy:


Dull drizzly or about to if it not with a chilly wind and guess who's got the day off work. Morning spent shopping.

First Screwfix and Aldi with the faulty outdoor temperature sensor dropped into the appropriate recycling bin in B&Q. That was all after the visual shock of a new mobile mast encountered.

A new outdoor tap frost cover picked up in Screwfix, my last one (a hard shell type held on my a pull cord around the tap body) has vanished; presumably the last storms doing. Went for a wrap round hard foam one and found it fitted more simply with the tap and outlet parts swapped. Was a touch tight around the tap as such and the end cap had to be squashed to fit on, then a good wrapping of duck tape applied.

The intent was then Sainsbury's but standing traffic on Wetherby Road saw a diversion to Morrisons, a store I normally struggle to buy much from. Managed three items but did fill the car up (££...). Thence to Sainsbury's. On the return completely forgot the standing traffic which turned out to be due to 4 way temporary lights.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another trip to the East Midlands today - this time over legal stuff and probate for my mum's will. It's got complicated - for no other reason than being over a very low probate threshold for a building society account - so will now get expensive as solicitors are involved.

Yes, we could do it ourselves but I'd prefer to not have the stress. Which is also why solicitors are expensive.

When my eldest son died in Aberdeen I got a local firm of solicitors who were recommended by one of his friends. His affairs were pretty complicated and it took nearly 2 years and cost about £2500.
They probably saved me more than that so well worth it.
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