Mundane News

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Fog forecast overnight and that combined with below zero temperatures should make interesting driving conditions.

Got a very keen GP who seems to have adopted me.
A combination of blue cheese and chocolate [ not both at the same time ] is suspected of upsetting my already dodgy gall bladder so she is referring me to the surgical team in Oban.
Oh joy.
In combination with other problems as yet undiagnosed I will have to decide whether to go ahead with removal. Living on my own makes it impossible for me to get back home until I can drive.Driving when told it is not advisable could nullify my car insurance so I will have to stay with my son's household until I can drive home. Fortunately I have my own ensuite there so not too much interference with their normal life.

Ooh! I remember going through that!
I assumed the pain underneath my ribs was a pulled muscle. I hadn't connected the breathlessness walking upstairs with the pain . I just assumed that I was having a bad day. It was only the fact that I kept my wife awake at night because I couldn't get comfortable that she took a real look and told me that it wasn't a pulled muscle and called a doctor. It is hard to believe that a thing the size of your little finger could expand enough to collapse a lung? The doctor came out and examined me and called an ambulance. I was taken straight onto a ward. I had to stop eating any food which contained fat until I had my operation. I had keyhole surgery to remove my gall bladder which was just 2 small holes.
It is grey here. Looks a bit depressing!
I am in need of support!
I saw a bike last night for sale , it was relatively cheap and in need of cleaning up . Luckily I was beaten to it . I know that I have a garage bursting full of bikes but I think I am missing out on tinkering and getting the satisfaction of getting a bike looking nice and rideable again.
I'm not the sort of person who has to redecorate their house every year. I detest it! It's not very good for the environment either! Just fiddling outside doing a bit of tinkering and cleaning keeps my mind active. I am a member of a Men's Shed but they have gone down a wood working idea which I'm not that into! I want to get some metal and have a bash! It's what I used to do.
I suppose I had better go and clean my bike ! It will be a lot cheaper than buying another one.


Latest Windows 10 update :banghead: Transpired it needs the recovery partition resizing/deleting and recreating. Hence back to the command prompt and the days of DOS.

It was the Jan security update but it did subsequently install fine on another pc. my little used mini laptop.

The error code lead me via Google to a MS web page on it and having previously done the requisite scans of the disks on my dad's laptop for a similar reason had expected that to resolve the matter but no.

Reading down the page I was not alone with the issue with this update and that then tool me to the instructions re the recovery partition. Slight panic when the resize bit came up with a not allowed message but then given the instructions tell you to delete and then recreate the partition not sure on the point of the resize.
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Legendary Member
A belated good morning from a cloudy and chilly Suffolk. Every now and then it looks like it's going to clear but then gives up and the clouds keep scudding back in. At some point today I need to get the bedding changed and in the wash and some shopping done for the weekend's food and that's about it as far as plans for the next few days go.


Legendary Member
Ooh! I remember going through that!
I assumed the pain underneath my ribs was a pulled muscle. I hadn't connected the breathlessness walking upstairs with the pain . I just assumed that I was having a bad day. It was only the fact that I kept my wife awake at night because I couldn't get comfortable that she took a real look and told me that it wasn't a pulled muscle and called a doctor. It is hard to believe that a thing the size of your little finger could expand enough to collapse a lung? The doctor came out and examined me and called an ambulance. I was taken straight onto a ward. I had to stop eating any food which contained fat until I had my operation. I had keyhole surgery to remove my gall bladder which was just 2 small holes.

I had my gall bladder removed around 25-30 years ago after suffering from a single gallstone that turned out to be the size of a bird's egg (I still have it in a jar somewhere) and can remember the discomfort & pain before it was removed. This was before they had introduced keyhole surgery and I still the remnants of the 4 or 5 inch scar on my stomach.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A grey day but not frosty overnight and less cold according to the forecast. My outside thermometer is not working so no idea of the actual temperature tho' the house is not very warm at 17C.
Might take the car out to collect some meds but one seems to have disappeared.
Fybogel or anything similar is just not to be had anywhere apparently.
Got a pack of sausages in the Remoska just now so need get them out soon and some will be frozen for later.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I had my gall bladder removed around 25-30 years ago after suffering from a single gallstone that turned out to be the size of a bird's egg (I still have it in a jar somewhere) and can remember the discomfort & pain before it was removed. This was before they had introduced keyhole surgery and I still the remnants of the 4 or 5 inch scar on my stomach.

I had a single large gallstone removed by a tube down the throat and they then ferret about until they find the stone causing the blockage and fish it out. This was in a Paisley hospital and the local consultant in Oban was muttering recently about it as he thought they should just have whipped the gall bladder out then.
What I had done was certainly not very invasive and most are sent home the same day. They kept me a bit longer due to the distance from home.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
A new outdoor tap frost cover picked up in Screwfix, my last one (a hard shell type held on my a pull cord around the tap body) has vanished; presumably the last storms doing. Went for a wrap round hard foam one and found it fitted more simply with the tap and outlet parts swapped. Was a touch tight around the tap as such and the end cap had to be squashed to fit on, then a good wrapping of duck tape applied.

My parents always used an old boot. You had to take it off to use the tap tho'.


Probably slightly better weather today than yesterday, in fact the sun is trying but failing so far to appear.

Car to Lidl as the mobile app offers this week included 15% of their Nakd bar equivalents but also found a pack of seven socks for £4.99.

Then to the town centre M&S where the food hall seemed to have improved it's variety but it transpired the gift voucher system was down so I had to actually pay for the goods.
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