Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed
Pretty sure we had 6 flakes of snow but certainly not 7


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Well.. I couldn't find my favourite magnet so I used my Fishing Magnet thingie.
It's very powerful! So powerful, in fact, that once it'd attracted a large bolas of nuts, screws, washers & bolts from the shed floor, I had trouble getting them off it 😂

I miss my favourite magnet 😔
I had a migraine this morning which continued as a headache for most of the day. I've had a few naps to try to get rid of it but it has persisted. It has eased a bit for now .
We had a few snow flakes a little while ago.

got an ice hat? I love mine
Had a fabulous luncheon of a seafood stick & mayonnaise sandwich, some goats milk Camembert (bought in Lidl, HIGHLY recommended), a banana, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon cutting up firewood. My trailer is now empty again, so tomorrow's task will be to fill it up again. There is a dead cherry tree that got brought down in Storm Gerrit, so that'll be the candidate for trailer-filling-upping.

Dropped off the parental's prescription. Had the time to check the electronic board with the floodwater height on the washes while I waited at the junction at the top of Black Bank. The official verdict is 39 inches / 99cm

Now sat down by the fire with a nice :cuppa:
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