Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
There is a crime mystery film on today on TV, The Lady Vanishes! Just by inserting a letter r you can change the whole plot! :whistle:

Or the Hairy Bakers?

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
No floods or trees down on my outing today. I did purposefully aim to stay on the roads least likely to be affected by the recent storm. It was a long ride.



Legendary Member
Physio happy with me and signed me off as good to go. Just keep working on the strength of the glutes on my left and concentrate on using both legs equally when getting out of chairs or whatever.

She thinks this was all caused by me learning to do load my right leg all the time, a habit from being non-weight bearing on my left while my ankle healed.

I'm tempted to post the receipts for all this to the solicitor who is dealing with my case against the driver's insurance, as this is related to my accident.
Fahrenheit 451 springs to mind!

It feels that way on occasion, but it's matter of clearing space so we can sort books properly. I'm clearing up the piles of books that prevent access to the storeroom, throwing any books stacked on top of other books on the shelves, and then simply emptying each shelf by a third. When that's done we can start sorting again.
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Hat synthetic made in China? They used to get us very annoyed when we were the main UK manufacturers of real wool hats.

View attachment 717705

I have a hat/balaclava I used for really cold weather walking. I see it has the label "A Nethy Product". It's made in Scotland & despite being attacked by moths still there when needed. I probably bought it in Blacks when they actually sold good kit.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I have just spoken to the Boiler expert opposite. He finds it difficult to believe that a spike in the electricity supply would damage the circuit board. There is a fuse in the supply to the boiler.

I won't say much more until I have requested a paper report from the manufacturer and spoken to the Installer.

A spike in the mains could kill a circuit board before a fuse has time to react. There are other components that could suppress it, but they aren't foolproof.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I think that the worst of Storm Thingie has passed through. It wasn't too bad when I left work, but it suddenly hit when i was on the open bit of the commute and at one point I was hardly moving forward despite being on the ebike and on assist level 2 of 3. I've even had to turn the sound up on the TV due to the wind noise.

You watch TV on your bicycle commute?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I have a hat/balaclava I used for really cold weather walking. I see it has the label "A Nethy Product". It's made in Scotland & despite being attacked by moths still there when needed. I probably bought it in Blacks when they actually sold good kit.

Not a product I ever came across and they did not sell on the conventional trade routes.
Small scale knitters sometimes had family connections and had a limited output which was sold only through one business outlet so had no need or wish to expand into larger markets.
There were quite a few selling small quantities of expensive hand or machine knitted hats but while we knew them all mostly they were no threat to us as we specialised so were able to keep production costs down.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Need to start setting my alarm clock to waken me at a reasonable time in the morning. With generally nothing specific or urgent to do there is a tendency to just turn over and doze a bit more.
Makes it harder to get up earlier when I do have a purpose.

I know that feeling. When the schools go back I'll have to stop turning the alarm off & get up so I don't get mown down by school children when walking the dog.


Vice Admiral
A spike in the mains could kill a circuit board before a fuse has time to react. There are other components that could suppress it, but they aren't foolproof.

The engineer from the manufacturer told me there was not a fuse in the circuit board. My neighbour is convinced there should be a fuse. He has found the relevant page of the installation manual that says so. They keep up to date with what their competitors are doing.

He also says that a spike in the mains would have affected the television, and the neighbours' boilers.

I now have a copy of the engineer's report. If this happens again, I will want to have an accurate written record of what has failed in the past. A copy of that report has been sent to the Installer for his comments.

I have been learning, from my neighbour, about fast burn fuses and slow burn fuses. He retires later this year, but he will still retain his knowledge and experience, even if his GasSafe Registration expires.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It feels that way on occasion, but it's matter of clearing space so we can sort books properly. I'm clearing up the piles of books that prevent access to the storeroom, throwing any books stacked on top of other books on the shelves, and then simply emptying each shelf by a third. When that's done we can start sorting again.

Sorting through the jungle of my bookshelves I find books I had forgotten I had. Many were my wife’s but even my own surprise me.
I cannot bring myself to junk them but inevitable they will go sometime. Currently I am trying to identify ones which are potentially valuable.
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