Mundane News

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Morning. It is dark out but looks like it's not raining although it is wet out .


Legendary Member
Good morning from a slowly brightening Suffolk where there appears to be something wrong with the weather as it appears not to have rained for at least 12 hours. Just waiting for the first coffee of the day to reach drinking temperature.

Little bit of levity on the approach to work earlier when a muntjac deer bounded across the road from the caravan park & heathland on one side of the road and bounced straight off the chain link fencing on the housing estate on the other side.
Georgie and I have been playing games in the kitchen . We have been playing football with a rolled up ball of aluminium foil and played chase mousey, his soft mouse shaped toy . We've had a bit of fun .


Legendary Member
The rain has put in a triumphant return on this morning's perambulation. Umbrella was required.:rain:

All ready to start work now. I have a check up with the physioterrorist this morning. Hopefully my last one as my back is fine now.

In other news, I think it is time to consider a new shaving brush as my current one is going bald.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The rain has put in a triumphant return on this morning's perambulation. Umbrella was required.:rain:

All ready to start work now. I have a check up with the physioterrorist this morning. Hopefully my last one as my back is fine now.

In other news, I think it is time to consider a new shaving brush as my current one is going bald.

I don't have a shaving brush..
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