Mundane News

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There is a crime mystery film on today on TV, The Lady Vanishes! Just by inserting a letter r you can change the whole plot! :whistle:

That might be seen as judgmental about overweight people.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
one of the last things I bought my late Dad was a boar's hair shaving brush. it still sits, in it's box, in his bathroom medicine cabinet. he was so happy when I gave it to him. in his later years he took an increased interest in getting a close shave

My dad also had a shaving brush. When I started shaving, shaving gels had been invented, and I’ve never owned a brush or the old fashioned lather.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
There is a crime mystery film on today on TV, The Lady Vanishes! Just by inserting a letter r you can change the whole plot! :whistle:

I could take a shine to that.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bloods done on time.
Apparently they are not too happy with my liver function and just want to keep an eye on this meantime.
Nurse Debbie appeared with specs on and when asked about this said she normally wears contact lenses. You learn something new every day.
One good bit of news is that the dentist is now back at work so I may get my missing fillings attended to sometime.
Mostly a nice sunny day so out for a stagger on a forest road. Overtaken by an extremely polite young lady on a very shiny horse and unexpectedly an ebike later.
While out rain came on but not enough to be bothersome. Back home I never seemed to stop doing chores but not sure what I actually accomplished.
Neighbours are off to Lanzarote for a couple of weeks in search of better weather.

I do not have any wet shaving stuff as used only electric Remingtons for years. Cannot understand the fetish of wet shaving.


All at sea⛵
Under the guise of planning catering needs I asked them. Now I know they leave at 0600 on Thursday.
I have not seen that hour for many years. They'll probably want breakfast too.
But they are good fun and provide a base for cycling in the summer.

Well they left at silly o'clock this morning. Spent the day in recovery and laundry mode.
I now understand my son arrives tomorrow evening.


Working week done, all 3 days of it. Have tomorrow off to take the car to be hopefully squeak fixed. Of course 31 miles for work this afternoon and hardly a squeak. Have sent the garage an almost two minute recording of it from Sunday. Once again had to go down a bridleway and hence the car had a quick wash when I got home. The mucky parts were below window level where the black car had gone distinctly brown.
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