Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I've been trying to remember the name of a jazz tune that the Deptford Jazz Collective played a couple of nights ago. I knew it had a Caribbean name and I kept on thinking that it might have been something like ''St Joseph'' without it ever sounding right. Well, I've just got it: St Thomas! (Sonny Rollins) With luck, the tune will stop earworming me now.
Work for the next two days.. Up at stupid o'clock 😔
That's ok...
Farm o'clock is waaaaaay before stupid o'clock...😳


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Well it is not me,our mirror is haunted.there is this gruesome old man looking back at me when i shave,Bald,thin face and a chicken scrawny neck.Many years ago his son lived inside the mirror oh what a good looking lad he was,i wonder where he went.

I can get along with the mirror in the bathroom, it's the guy who gets in the lift with a mirror and the cruellest lighting that I disown.
It's been an OK day weatherwise here chez Casa Reynard, but it's now hosing it down again outside.

Slept well. Actually, I overslept, but tbf, I really needed it. Dealt with the backlog of recycling that was hogging the utility room (soft plastics, plastic punnets and cardboard from fruit & veg) as I needed to move it in order to get to the ironing board. Whoops! Anyways, that done I ironed my white coat in preparation for Saturday - am stewarding at the Capital / Eastern Longhair & Semi-Longhair joint shows in Ware.

Lovely luncheon of a chunk of Melton Mowbray pork pie, a flatbread wrapped around a filling of brie & cranberry sauce, a nectarine, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

Afternoon spent largely working on those engineering drawings again. As the basic catalogue for the collection is now done and most of the stuff pinned to specific projects, I can create a database of which drawing belongs to which project and which image file.

Cooked a fabulous supper of slow-roast lamb shoulder, roasties, steamed carrots & sprouts and a lovely gravy. :hungry: I had meant to cook the lamb joint on NYD, but there was just too much stuff in the fridge that wanted eating. Was better to leave it a few days so that I could actually enjoy it. And I did, it was a beautiful piece of meat (Tesco's "finest"), made all the better by having acquired it on yellow sticker in the Christmas Eve bunfight.

Plan on having a nice quiet evening.
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