Mundane News

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There is a crime mystery film on today on TV, The Lady Vanishes! Just by inserting a letter r you can change the whole plot! :whistle:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Forgot to add to yesterday's post about going through my Mum's paperwork we did have some thoughts of "she did what ... ?" She was fiercely independent so, whilst we had a difficult day doing the paperwork bits, there was the odd bit of laughter.

Her phone is going to me used by my Dad so he can be a bit more 'modern'. In going through the phone and tidying it up a bit we found that she'd been trying to book a holiday in July. At this point she was seriously ill but not dying yet. A solo holiday.

But ... at the time she was in hospital with pneumonia. She'd also just had her Oesophageal stent removed, a thoracic stent put in which was then removed for a giant thoracic stent. She was hooked up to a feed tube, an oxygen tube and had a drip in needing 24-hour care.

Just *where* was she planning to go? :blink:


Legendary Member
Forgot to add to yesterday's post about going through my Mum's paperwork we did have some thoughts of "she did what ... ?" She was fiercely independent so, whilst we had a difficult day doing the paperwork bits, there was the odd bit of laughter.

Her phone is going to me used by my Dad so he can be a bit more 'modern'. In going through the phone and tidying it up a bit we found that she'd been trying to book a holiday in July. At this point she was seriously ill but not dying yet. A solo holiday.

But ... at the time she was in hospital with pneumonia. She'd also just had her Oesophageal stent removed, a thoracic stent put in which was then removed for a giant thoracic stent. She was hooked up to a feed tube, an oxygen tube and had a drip in needing 24-hour care.

Just *where* was she planning to go? :blink:

At least her mind was still optimistic, even if her body was sadly letting her down. :hugs:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Can people stop being ill and coming into work. I've carefully avoided people before Christmas. Two colleagues in the office are coughing their guts up, and the lady I sit next to (first day back) has just said she feels awful, and has gone home. She's spent a few days away with friends and one now has Covid.

I do not want your germs, anybody's !
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

I couldn't pass Gallones Ice Cream Emporium on my way to the charity shop without sampling their wares 👌
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