Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Anyone else been watching The Tourist? It's a bizarre mix of serious and comedy but I'm quite enjoying it.

I've seen it but the family stuff makes me think "ooh, that's just like my in-laws". I'm not sure about @tyred or @classic33 's family goings-on but quite a bit seemed to be like my mother-in-law and father-in-law's family relationships*.

* and yes,
I do realise that the mother stabbed someone to death through their eye socket
. But you've not met my mother-in-law.

On another family note I spent today with my Dad sorting out the paperwork for my Mum. If anyone's family have savings please make sure that they're under the probate limit because, despite it all going to him, we're going to need probate due to a pernickety low probate ceiling value by a building society.
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Leg End Member
I've seen it but the family stuff makes me think "ooh, that's just like my in-laws". I'm not sure about @tyred or @classic33 's family goings-on but quite a bit seemed to be like my mother-in-law and father-in-law's family relationships*.

* and yes,
I do realise that the mother stabbed someone to death through their eye socket
. But you've not met my mother-in-law.

On another family note I spent today with my Dad sorting out the paperwork for my Mum. If anyone's family have savings please make sure that they're under the probate limit because, despite it all going to him, we're going to need probate due to a pernickety low probate ceiling value by a building society.
Not seen it, The Tourist, but no-one like that in the family, on either side. That I'm aware off.
Traditional family arguments, but nowt serious.

I've a cousin who sold the house on Burnley Road and moved to a new build, on a flood plain down Mytholmroyd. Same cousin had driven from Foxford to Killaloe "hundreds of times". So it'd be no problem for a family of five on bikes, where the two adults hadn't ridden a bike since schooldays. Refused to listen to advice, from his parents or me.

On the day they rode down, they were caught in a downpour that saw roads flooded in under 30 minutes. Five new bikes discarded at the roadside.


getting better all the time
On another family note I spent today with my Dad sorting out the paperwork for my Mum. If anyone's family have savings please make sure that they're under the probate limit because, despite it all going to him, we're going to need probate due to a pernickety low probate ceiling value by a building society.
I hope you’re both ok. We got back from Mr Hebe’s father’s funeral today. Arrived at the crem in almost biblical rainfall. We start on paperwork tomorrow.


Legendary Member
Good evening from Suffolk. Sorry for the late check in, but it's been one of the better days of the year so far ^_^
Not really busy at work, but enough to keep both mind & body occupied all day and with added 🍰 🍰 supplied by a couple of people transferring on to another team. Plus the added bonus of Ernie producing a little spending boost which will cover the car breakdown renewal, train tickets for a trip to Brighton & some new music releases from Bandcamp.
It's been a mostly dry, mostly grey and mostly mild kind of day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Put a load of laundry in, and then met up with a friend for a walk with the dogs. Lots of standing water, and very squelchy underfoot. I need to clean the driver's footwell in the car as a result, as I've smeared mud over the sill and on the carpets. Whoops! Went home the long way round; I stopped off at Tesco to put some fuel in the car and dropped in at Aldi for some bananas and some peppermint tea. Loads of chocolate santas in their clearance, but didn't bite as I find Aldi's milk chocolate far too sweet.

Petrol station at Tesco will be closed for five weeks from the 14th. That's an arse, as I've a couple of long hauls towards the end of the month - a judging engagement and a trip down to Alresford to visit Paul's grave on his birthday. OK, plenty of other petrol stations around the area, and all charging the same per litre, but will lose out on the clubcard points. So what I did was instead of chucking in my customary £20 for local pootling, I put in double, which means that I'll have enough in the car for the first of the two trips.

Had a lovely luncheon of a chunk of Melton Mowbray pork pie, a rye flatbread thing wrapped around some roast pork, a nectarine, a tangerine and a pear, and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Afternoon was spent reorganizing the fridges and freezer, knocking the ice out of the utility room fridge (there's one corner where it always ices up), and removing all my purchased fruit & veg out of its packaging and into cardboard trays. Found some dinged apples and tangerines. The tangerines are ated, and the apples are in the fruit bowl. I did have to wang a handful of tangerines as they'd gone mouldy. OK, didn't pay much for them, but I hate throwing stuff away. It's one of the perils of buying YS fruit, as it gets knocked around in the cabinet, and if you don't spot a bruised fruit, it quickly goes down the road of developing language skills.

Managed to get two gammons and all the sausages into the freezer. There's still a bit of space in there. If only some shapes weren't so awkward, I'd be able to shoehorn the third gammon in. Ah well, hey ho. It doesn't matter, as I plan on cooking soon anyway. It's cured, smoked and vacuum sealed, so will keep a while in the top of the utility room fridge.

Had a supper of soup, party canapes and fruit. The party canapes were disappointing. OK, I only paid 50p a tray instead of a fiver, so not *too* put out, but generally the chicken and prawn ones tend to be better. Sadly, they were nowhere near as good as the samosas I had previous week. The gyozas were tasteless and needed soy and pickled ginger to help them along. The rice-pastry wrapped Thai prawn things were so-so. The green curry ones were lacking in flavour and heat. The red curry ones were not bad. But given they were all from the "finest" range, these were definitely not Tesco's "finest hour"

Anyways, I'm going to have a :cuppa: and a smackerel of something in a bit, as I'm still really peckish...


Legendary Member
The driver from Ice Cold in Alex just dropped off a thank you present for trying to help get his van unstuck. A bottle of white wine and a box of Dairy Box choc chocs.
We tried pushing and then putting some old carpet and wood under the wheels . Eventually a friend of his came along and pulled him out with his vehicle.
The trouble with modern vehicles is that they don't have block tread!
Got to wonder whose online order was mising a couple of items.


Legendary Member
I've replaced the filter in my water jug.

I'm wondering what I can do with the old ones I have collected. The local Argos had a recycling box for them but I no longer have an Argos. I don't know of anywhere else that takes them.

Thank you for the reminder - I must do mine this weekend and then start looking for any deals on replacements (Maxtra+). Does anyone have any experience with the generic replacements available from Amazon or is it best to stick with the Brita originals?
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