Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Soooo.... Ben Habib is the Reform candidate for Wellingborough.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I think I may have convinced Barclay's Bank that I am who I am. It took an hour at the nearest branch, armed with driving licence and passport and a third set of document photos and mug shots.

You should have got them to call me.. I know who you are!
And of course you all can still make things. People who tell me Great Britain is no longer great can kiss my arse. Same stuff I hear in The States, about ourselves. Wishful thinking from foreign actors who use our media, and our politicians, to promote their agendas.

We have lost a lot of our manufacturing capability. A lot of companies have been bought by foreign countries , some of which were closed down and manufactured abroad. Our politicians don't realise that we can make things and prefer to buy things in .


Leg End Member
Anyone know who posted this qustion?
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