Mundane News

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There's a remake of" Ice Cold in Alex " going on here!
There is a bit of a difference as it isn't hot or sandy , there isn't even a steep slope but there is a van and it is from Iceland! The van has decided to go across the grass and has got bogged down . I would have suggested removing the spark plugs and winding it back on the starting handle but they don't fit them these days . It is also a diesel !


It seems after chemo i will have to be careful in the sun.So wot wiv being bald an all i have decided to go all Pantani Pirate like.Having a cap under my helmet seems a bit bulky,having tried a few of my baseball caps on.So i am buying these.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain stopped just after lunch so jacket on and off out.
It was a trap and no sooner than I was far enough away the rain came back even heavier.
Back home and it turned into isolated showers but still stuck indoors.
If the forecasts are to believed we are in for a complete contrast with very cold plus sunshine next weekend and the rest of next week.
Ice underfoot is worse for me than getting wet with rain as not being too steady and using two sticks currently a fall is a possibility.
I do have a bucket full of road salt for my garden path but on previous winter visits to the surgery they seem to invite business by not gritting their car park which was iced over and very slippery.


Tonight ladies and gentle people.We are having Swedish Ikea type meatballs and chips with gravy.^_^:bravo::hyper::hyper::wahhey::wahhey:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Today, apologies for failing to report, has been ♻ and Garden Waste Bin Day.
Possibly, because of my failings, the Garden Waste Bin has not been emptied!!
I will need to report this to the council but if I sumbit the online form before 19:30 it will be rejected.
The driver from Ice Cold in Alex just dropped off a thank you present for trying to help get his van unstuck. A bottle of white wine and a box of Dairy Box choc chocs.
We tried pushing and then putting some old carpet and wood under the wheels . Eventually a friend of his came along and pulled him out with his vehicle.
The trouble with modern vehicles is that they don't have block tread!
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