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Vice Admiral

Thank for your help so far with the translation of a knitting pattern. I have come to the conclusion that it is a very complex pattern, so I do not need a translation of the other paragraph of the pattern. Thank you for the offer.

I use Ravelry a lot for free patterns, and have bought some from there as well.

I think it is English Rib with lots of increases, wraps and decreases.

The whole point my knitting, is that when I sit down in the evening with The Patient, whose television preferences are often the opposite of mine, I can knit something fairly straightforward. He likes endless repeats of Heartbeat, Call the Midwife and Police Interceptors. This evening is a repeat of a Vera, which I do not mind.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
It’s wild, wet, windy and flooded round here. Got an hour in, in what I thought was a lull (it wasn’t)


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I have just spoken to the Boiler expert opposite. He finds it difficult to believe that a spike in the electricity supply would damage the circuit board. There is a fuse in the supply to the boiler.

I won't say much more until I have requested a paper report from the manufacturer and spoken to the Installer.

How mundane

Thank for your help so far with the translation of a knitting pattern. I have come to the conclusion that it is a very complex pattern, so I do not need a translation of the other paragraph of the pattern. Thank you for the offer.

I use Ravelry a lot for free patterns, and have bought some from there as well.

I think it is English Rib with lots of increases, wraps and decreases.

The whole point my knitting, is that when I sit down in the evening with The Patient, whose television preferences are often the opposite of mine, I can knit something fairly straightforward. He likes endless repeats of Heartbeat, Call the Midwife and Police Interceptors. This evening is a repeat of a Vera, which I do not mind.

If the pattern in question is a Rav free one, post a link to it and I'll have a look and tell you if your conclusion is accurate!


Legendary Member
I think that the worst of Storm Thingie has passed through. It wasn't too bad when I left work, but it suddenly hit when i was on the open bit of the commute and at one point I was hardly moving forward despite being on the ebike and on assist level 2 of 3. I've even had to turn the sound up on the TV due to the wind noise.


Legendary Member
Did I read that thread title correctly ?
The Weather Where are You ?
With this wind you could end up anywhere! :wacko:

If you're not sure where you ended up, look around for a little girl called Dorothy with a dog called Toto and she can help you get home.
Whew! I've finally surfaced from working with those drawings all afternoon & evening. I didn't delve into the IMechE archive in the end - I decided to finish the initial catalogue instead. Which I have. Bar a handful of drawings that are too faded to decipher and some "back of a fag packet" sketches that I need to do with a clear head if I've any hope of identifying them.

I did have a lovely luncheon of a chunk of Melton Mowbray pork pie, some wholemeal toast, sliced roast pork, cheese and an assortment of fruit. And two :cuppa: of course. A tasty supper too, of turkey, vegetable & barley soup, then sliced avocado on toast with fried eggs on top, plus some button mushrooms and roast baby plum tomatoes.

Am now going to have a nice relaxing remainder of the evening. And maybe finish watching "The Nutcracker" - which I started watching yesterday. A dose of fit blokes prancing around in tights to some nice music is just what I need, I think.
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