Mundane News

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Legendary Member
It's not just giant SUV drivers who struggle. The couple that arrived in the baby Ford locked it like that and walked off!

Is it wrong of me to sit smug in my perfectly parked little Toyota and laugh at the antics of the trendy people in their enormous SUVs which they seem incapable of manoeuvring into a parking spot?

No, quite the opposite in fact; never waste entertainment.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
A guid New Year tae aw folk and lang may yer lum reek. Not a very PC statement nowadays and
even less PC to add "wey ither folks coal".
Did not bother going down to the town clock at midnight tho' heard lots of fireworks. No ships sounding their horns. A bit sad the apparent passing of age old traditions.
Dry and not much wind so far today.

Used to hear the ships horns at my grandparents near Tower Bridge. Few ships there now & their house has long gone.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
View attachment 717558
here were a
Lovely, peaceful, 3 miles around Pitsford Reservoir this morning with the 🐶
Until I got back to the car park, that is, where masses of people were warming up for a Fun Run (an oxymoron if ever I heard one!!)
Back home by about 09:00 for a big black coffee & yoghurt with chopped banana, honey and apple.

Cassie's walk was 1hr later than scheduled this morning. There were a few dog walkers about & some squirrels.


Vice Admiral
This time tomorrow I'll be back at my work apartment.

I'm a bit torn to be honest: I miss my family terribly, but not being able to make anything for a week has been frustrating; maybe I should have a small scale setup here for making things so I don't implode...

I am guessing that it would need to be the sort of things that Beautiful Daughter can offer her assistance to you.


It's not just giant SUV drivers who struggle. The couple that arrived in the baby Ford locked it like that and walked off!

View attachment 717569

Obviously not wanting a bash from the drivers door of the SUV. A return trip to Sainsbury's sale this pm, in search of a new kettle as the existing had caused the earth leak switch to trip, saw me quickly switch parking spaces when I realised the proximity of a SUV. Got the last metal one with a clearly visible and lit water display.
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