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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
May I be the first to consplendiferate with you?

Consider me consplendiferated! πŸ˜‹

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
wutz annoying about getting covid, having been vaxxed 7 times & I think other previous undiagnosed light infections include the restrictions of course, but also playing whack-a-mole with the symptoms. as-in, oh this is happening, what can make that feel better, then it switches & I have to treat that symptom. it's all just so annoying. which, of course, I can certainly live with. sympathies to all those that had a rougher go of it, & of course the millions that perished

get your jabs & boosters, you won't regret it. you'll only regret not having them, if you get infected

some examples
watery eyes
runny nose
mild body aches
night sweats
severe head aches
dull sinus headaches
dry cough

none of those were/are terrible terrible. I have a history of migraines so I'm used to treating those. but the headaches were the most painful part of the experience

before I tested positive, the most poignant experience was walking like a zombie. I'm not normally a slow walker, but I was walking like a 94 yr old. no trouble breathing, no fever, no cough. just prior to that I was rebuilding the stone wall in our backyard. funny how quickly things change

currently, on day 3, feeling better, with each passing day


Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I wish you all a Happy New Year, as I may be eating supper about the time it goes over for you all, and even @rockyroller is an hour or so ahead of me.
Happy New Year everyone! PPFOTMNR ;)

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