Mundane News

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Do you have a link to it?
i will have a look at my purchase history,give me a few mins.
Greyish, mildish and dryish here chez Casa Reynard today, though given the amount of standing water, it looked like it hosed it down last night.

Slept well, and then after a quick brunch, it was off to Tesco for the traditional NYE yellow sticker hunt. Store was bloody heaving, and it took me 10 mins to get into the car park. Still, I was inside bang on 1pm. I did miss a few of the earlier markdowns, but judging by what was left, there wasn't anything of any great interest. Green bins, Xmas clearance and fruit & veg largely a bust, but loads in the chilled and in the bakery. Some of the markdowns were all over the place - things like cooked chicken and ready meals only went down by 50%, some chilled stuff and the fruit & veg (largely bags of salads and stir fry) by 75%. While other bits went down by 90%, and that made them positively bargainous.

Picked up three "finest" gammons, a job lot of locally-produced dry cure bacon, three trays of sausage rolls, two "finest" pizzas, two packs of posh pigs in blankets, a kilo wheel of Stilton, four trays of chicken & prawn party canapes, four small tubs of coleslaw, half a dozen packs of apples, two swedes, a job lot of assorted bagels, two wholemeal breads, some Portuguese custard tarts, Bakewell tarts and two bags of doughnuts.

Best buys by far were the gammons, reduced by 90% to £1.38 each, the packs of bacon at 36p each and the kilo of Stilton for £6

My fridge and freezer are now officially rammed full. Well, the latter will be by the time I've shoehorned two of the gammons and those sausages in there. I'm also well stocked up with fruit & veg thanks to the stickers and the Xmas offers. Other than needing milk at some point, I will not need to go grocery shopping for a while.

Have had a quiet afternoon listening to the footy. That did not go well. But at least the :cuppa: and the cheese on toast did.

Almost time to feed the cat. And tonight's food will be a raid-the-fridge job.
@Reynard and @Andy in Germany

I have found a pattern I like, but it is only in German. I am not sure I can accurately translate the first sentence under Anleitung. Does it say "for each 74cm Cast on 91 stitches and knit according the Pattern"? I can mostly understand the rest of the instructions, but if I start off incorrectly, that could be very frustrating.

Fur ca 74cm Breite 91 m mit Nadeln nr 5 anschlagen und im Patentmuster stricken.

Does "locker abkeiten" mean cast off loosely? Yes, I could use a dictionary, but the nuances of translation might elude me.

Neither of those people but am experienced knitter and speak fluent German ( well, Tirolean actually but ...)
In a word, yes. For a width of 74 cm , cast on 91 stitches on 5mm needles and folow the stitch pattern.
What are you knitting?
Neither of those people but am experienced knitter and speak fluent German ( well, Tirolean actually but ...)
In a word, yes. For a width of 74 cm , cast on 91 stitches on 5mm needles and folow the stitch pattern.
What are you knitting?

Thanks for the rescue xxx :blush:

I do speak German albeit not nearly as well as I used to, but I know diddly squat about knitting...


Veggie Sausage and Mash with broccoli and carrots for tea. Washed down with a glass of beer. I was really touched when our daughter preseted me with a gift set consisting of two cans of " Drop Hammer " Bourbon barrel aged Imperial Stout complete with what I thought was a personally Initialed glass. It was only when I looked at the label and spotted that it was from Kirkstall Brewery that I realised it was a coincidence🤔

IMG_5149 2.JPG


Vice Admiral
Neither of those people but am experienced knitter and speak fluent German ( well, Tirolean actually but ...)
In a word, yes. For a width of 74 cm , cast on 91 stitches on 5mm needles and folow the stitch pattern.
What are you knitting?

Thank you for that. I can knit and speak German (moderately) but could not translate the pattern.
@Reynard does not knit.

Is the "Umschlag rechts/links" make one (stitch) left/right? Although I usually do a Knit front and back, to increase by two stitches.


Legendary Member
So much for the promise of the sunny morning - I nipped out by bike at about 11am to drop the bits off for mum and got rained on on the way home. Having removed the past couple of weeks worth of muck from a couple of bikes and had a spot of lunch I went out for a walk - and got rained on again. At least I was home - if only by a minute - before the cloudburst happened. There was still enough time to clean another couple of bikes before tea and I discovered that I could get the folder on to the bike work stand
Big stand, little bike.jpg
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