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Every now and again I get a painless kind of migraine which make me slightly blind where some kind of zig-zagging arc appears just out of focus. Usually it's when I'm tired or wired but I'm pretty well rested so I don't really know why it's happening now.
I have had three of those type of episodes,i am sure i was brought on by anxiety stress and worry about the cancer.Since getting the wonderful news they have stopped.Mine were like circles of diamonds spinning.worse when i closed my eyes.
wutz annoying about getting covid, having been vaxxed 7 times & I think other previous undiagnosed light infections include the restrictions of course, but also playing whack-a-mole with the symptoms. as-in, oh this is happening, what can make that feel better, then it switches & I have to treat that symptom. it's all just so annoying. which, of course, I can certainly live with. sympathies to all those that had a rougher go of it, & of course the millions that perished

get your jabs & boosters, you won't regret it. you'll only regret not having them, if you get infected

some examples
watery eyes
runny nose
mild body aches
night sweats
severe head aches
dull sinus headaches
dry cough

none of those were/are terrible terrible. I have a history of migraines so I'm used to treating those. but the headaches were the most painful part of the experience

before I tested positive, the most poignant experience was walking like a zombie. I'm not normally a slow walker, but I was walking like a 94 yr old. no trouble breathing, no fever, no cough. just prior to that I was rebuilding the stone wall in our backyard. funny how quickly things change

currently, on day 3, feeling better, with each passing day
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A short shower of rain at 1230 just as forecast so got out for a walk after it passed.
The main car park has been cleared of cars and boats to make room for the fireworks display at midnight. We used to go down to the clock tower for the bells every year and met lots of friends. Now I know so few I will not bother.
Walked up to my wildlife pal's place tho" I had not intended to go so far but met him filling in potholes on his road so ended up there anyway. There was still the remnants of a snowman after yesterday's snowfall which has otherwise all gone.

Memories of past New Years come back.
At Littlemill Distillery it was the custom at New Year when the men came to the office to collect their wages to give each a bottle of whisky and a dram if they wished. Since we worked shifts this went on all day and my secretary Marleen was in charge. So far as drams were concerned most took one so she worked on the principle of "one for him and one for me". In total we had about 35 workers at that stage.
These were not pub measures either.
The result was by the end of the day she was not quite legless but far from sober to put it mildly.
I always remained sober during working hours which was just as well since I could not let her go home by bus in that condition.
It came to be accepted that I had to drive her home every year.:angel:
Soggy boots...🙄



Vice Admiral
@Reynard and @Andy in Germany

I have found a pattern I like, but it is only in German. I am not sure I can accurately translate the first sentence under Anleitung. Does it say "for each 74cm Cast on 91 stitches and knit according the Pattern"? I can mostly understand the rest of the instructions, but if I start off incorrectly, that could be very frustrating.

Fur ca 74cm Breite 91 m mit Nadeln nr 5 anschlagen und im Patentmuster stricken.

Does "locker abkeiten" mean cast off loosely? Yes, I could use a dictionary, but the nuances of translation might elude me.
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