Mundane News

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Omg it was RAINING on my way home! :blink: Like driving into the wall of water. First time ever I used 3rd speed on windscreen wipers (it didn't make visibility any better anyway).
Good morning...


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Sun is out, we are hoping to get out fir a couple of hours this morning, and see the emus


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not currently raining but looks very grey outside. Most of the snow has gone and only traces left on the mainland. The Mull mountains are cloud covered but looks like still snow on there.
Must get out for a walk today to get some exercise as I was only out for a couple of minutes yesterday so no exercise and I feel trapped indoors.
A newsletter which comes from Tiree has some interesting looking bits including an article from the S-- which includes a sunset from somebody's house. Looks suspiciously like a sunrise to me. Another bit has somebody living 50 miles down a single track road which is complete nonsense but probably sounds good to them and most readers would know no different anyway.
The annoying thing about it is that the author includes links to a variety of newspapers which I have no intention of subscribing to so I miss some no doubt interesting nonsense.


Legendary Member
Good morning from an unexpectedly bright & sunny Suffolk, although I suspect that it's somewhat squelchy in some areas after the overnight downpour.
The first cuppa of the day has been downed and, if it stays like this, once I've popped out and dropped a couple of bits off for mum, I think a decent walk like last Sunday may be in order.
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