Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Bob does not normally sleep on my bed. He has now decided the house is cold, and he managed to warm up my knees and ankles last night.

The appointment for the boiler engineer has been cancelled. The next available slot is Tuesday!

The kitchen is cold, but then if I am preparing a meal, I will warm up, no doubt.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Today's 71 plate truck has 258709 kilometres on the odometer.
Telemetry says...


Vice Admiral
I have managed to acquire another fan heater. ^_^

It is expensive to run them, but if I am not using any gas, and the heaters take some power from the photovoltaic panels, careful use of the fan heaters should balance costs out. On Tuesday the installer might be here to assess the situation, and sort things out regarding the warranty.

The boiler engineer (or is he an electrical/electronic engineer?) kept saying how disappointed he would be if a boiler failed within six months of installation. I thought at first he was expressing an opinion as he works for the manufacturer of boilers.

I was thinking that I am not "disappointed" by this particular problem. I suppose this is because after so long looking after my mother, then my cancer. Three days after I finished chemo treatment, we went into lock down, and I was "lucky" to be able to get radiotherapy during lock down. Now I am looking after The Patient whose brain capacity has diminished, and who is always very tired.

Am I alone in thinking that a boiler failure is just another obstacle rather than a major event?

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Back from four hour ride with wife. Wet first half before rain mostly cleared. Halfway cafe stop and fish finger sandwiches when we got home.


We won't be celebrating New Year with a party.Over the years about ten of us have hosted it.Rotating houses.Well this year illness has scuppered plans.We have me cancer chemo,one with a poisoned leg,one with kidney stones one recovering from a serious infection operation one with a hip replacement and finally one with a not sure what is going on diagnosis.You could not make a good human out of the best bits left over.So it's an early night planned,growing old what a faff.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The sleety snow turned to rain and the lying snow vanished but still raining.
In slight respites in the rain I can see a good covering of snow on Morvern on the other side of the Sound.
Amazing what a difference there often is in a relatively short distance of about a mile over water.

The gas in my patio heater has been getting low and finally gave up this afternoon when I used it for a short boost of heat. New cylinders are pretty heavy I find now and it was a bit of a struggle to get it changed. Fortunately my use of this is very low so not a job needing done very often and in emergency I could call on help from a variety of people.

It transpires that the fendering on Craignure pier is damaged so this makes it unsafe to come alongside in bad weather, hence so many cancellations.
This is not a new problem and the owners of the pier are Argyll & Bute who appear to be dragging their heels over getting this properly fixed.

Edit to add the roads from Glasgow to Oban appear to be impassible with lying snow. Several photos have been posted on Fb and it looks pretty bad.
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