Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Had a few more cup's of tea since my earlier reports.
Also added another dozen pieces to the latest jigsaw.
Had a nice walk before lunch.
It's been a grey and occasionally drizzly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept so-so. Could've been better, could've been worse. Had a relatively quiet morning puttering about and re-jigging the fridges in the kitchen and utility room again. After an early luncheon of a ham sandwich, some fruit and two :cuppa: I pootled off to Sutton to go and meet that tortie that CP have in.

Was a miss, I'm afraid. She spent most of the half an hour I was there sitting on the window ledge and staring out at the street, mostly ignoring me. She also went and hid for a bit. There was just no "connection" between her and me at all, and she wasn't interested in the toys that I took with me either. But she did eventually deign to come for a few treats and a cuddle.

So unfortunately, she won't be coming to live with us. She's just too reserved and timid, and Lexi, pushy little diva that she is, will bully her as a result. But she's a beautiful cat, and will make a fabby companion for the right Human. Really, she needs to go as an only cat, or, at a pinch, a soppy and laid-back male neuter.

Had a lovely supper of steak pie, home made chips and the last of the braised red cabbage, then for afters, the last of the Xmas pud with some cream glugged over it.

Now chilling with a :cuppa: and MOTD
I'm sipping a bitter brew after watching Forest tonk Man U ...

Join the club. The Iron made us look silly on Thursday night... *sigh*
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