Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Today's weather menu doesn't have a lot of sunny options so it'll be a normal rain and cloud with a big wind to finish.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry grey looking out and I think there was a touch of frost overnight.
Looked to be no wind but when I went out there was in fact a bitter wind which cut straight through me.
Calmac are running an amended timetable and cancelled at least one sailing due to high winds forecast.
In the past you could keep the boat timetable in you memory quite easily but now it has got so complicated you have no idea from day to day what the timetable will be.
Most mornings there are a few junk emails which get dumped but this morning there were 19 of them which I think is the most in one day so far.
Letter post in Denmark is doubling in price from January 1st apparently and my SIL who lives there is sending more christmas cards than usual to use up her stock of current stamps. We usually correspond by email with no cards being exchanged.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Meant to be initially dry but definitely raining. Car to Morrisons and Waitrose. Put the phone on record for the car squeaking on the first two legs and not a squeak to be heard. Of course on the final leg with the phone buried on my coat pocket it was almost ear piercing.

Sounds a bit like the rumble from the front of my motorhome which sounded like duff bearings tho' the garage could find nothing wrong. I got a tip on a motorhome forum and it turned out to be shock absorber bushes. :ohmy:


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the weather has resorted back to normal - grey, overcast and with occasional light showers passing through.
Absolutely no plans for the next couple of days so some domestics may get done or I may go out for a bike ride if there's a long enough dry and less windy period. Failing that the car could do with a run as all I've done is a couple of short trips over the past couple of weeks.
My Christmas present has arrived:


Unfortunately this is in my 'work' apartment near Freiburg,but at least I know it's safe...
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