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View from the balcony this morning.

Posted to show that we do see blue sky occasionally. If you lot could stop sending us your used manky weather so we could see it a bit more, that'd be great. Thanks.

what a lovely view!

whereas, live from my covid couch, just grey today
covid couch.jpg


Leg End Member
i am trapped in the house,being help prisoner against my will.Mrs P and me have managed to break two of three door keys inside three days.She has the spare.Stupid things must be made of chocolate.But two inside three days must be a record.One of us might have to go to Headingley to the key man,sadly this is where they came from,so the replacements might not last a year or more.
Drop the remaining key on the floor, and listen to how it sounds when it hits the floor.
An almost of flat sound when it hits indicates it's been cut too quick. It got warm whilst being cut, reducing the metals strength.

You can try the same drop test on the broken keys. A similar sound would have me going to another shop.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Tough day today; I picked up my Dad and we did the organisation of my Mum's funeral with the funeral director. It's a month away due to a backlog of burials plus availability of the priest conducting the funeral but that may be helpful as my Dad's not coping well. I'll be travelling down from Yorkshire to the Vale of Belvoir at least twice next week methinks.

It was therefore nice to pick up a bag of bits plus Carlton frame from @Ponterob on the way home. I'll stick the frameset details on the op's original post tomorrow for anyone interested but they're moving to Norfolk so CC'ers beware a vintage bike owner (pedal and petrol-powered) is heading your way.


Legendary Member
Lidl was a complete bust for cheap chocolates - absolutely nothing at the one I stopped at. At least the paperwork got copied and then into the post which was the main reason I went out. The other thing I did pick up in town was a basic calendar which will need to have the family birthdays copied over and the gig trips added.

And the weather also returned to normal with a fair amount of rain, most of which was while I was on the way home without waterproofs.


Vice Admiral
It is pleasant to have the house cooler for a while. The Patient feels the cold and the house is usually too warm for my liking. It is 18 degrees at present with just a small fan heater in the lounge to keep him warm.
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