Mundane News

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Blimey, it's stopped raining. Been out for a quick 20 miler.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I recall hearing the description of sailing as like "standing in a shower tearing up fifty pound notes".

Cold shower to make it more enjoyable.:rolleyes:


Vice Admiral
Talking of cold, the newly installed boiler (July this year) has stopped working.

The neighbour who lives opposite is a boiler tester by profession. He has offered several times to help if he is needed, so I asked him to look at the boiler and decifer the error code. He tried the re-set button and other strategies, without success. Then he rang customer services who "dared" to suggest it was a low voltage supply causing the problem. We were able to test the voltage supply, no it wasn't that.

The original installer is celebrating with family, and his right hand man has a broken leg. An appointment has been made for an engineer to be here tomorrow morning.

The neighbour was also an aircraft engineer with the Reservists. I was extremely surprised when Customer services asked for his GasSafe registration number and he had the relevant card in his pocket, no need to return to his house to fetch it. I suppose when you are flying at 20,000 feet it is tricky to pop back for documents.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Managed to get a reasonable but cold walk out a forest road. The parking area which used to be consistently mostly empty was full of cars. Some are tourists but this formerly quiet route is now mobbed.
Just as I went out rain started but stopped again in about 5 minutes so got out and back dry.
Not feeling too bright today and I blame some soup I made the other day. Chucked in a few dates from a packet which seemed to be a bit bloated before opening but no real idea if that is the cause.
might be coming down w/ something. wearing an ice pack hat, w/ sweatshirt & hood & another coat over all that. feeling run down & maybe even a few chills?

it's all good until it isn't, eh?
negative 12-27-23.jpg

positive 12-29-23.jpg
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