Mundane News

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i am trapped in the house,being help prisoner against my will.Mrs P and me have managed to break two of three door keys inside three days.She has the spare.Stupid things must be made of chocolate.But two inside three days must be a record.One of us might have to go to Headingley to the key man,sadly this is where they came from,so the replacements might not last a year or more.


Legendary Member
I did a 20 mile ride and managed to dodge the rain and the top half of me stayed dry. The roads were completely awash with water everywhere from all this morning's rain so I got my feet wet despite mudguards.

There's been a real drop in temperature too. Wouldn't surprise me if some frost is on the menu.
It's been a dry, breezy and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Took advantage of the fact that it was dry to do a day's lumberjilling. I've cleared up some more storm damage and brought a heaped trailer full of firewood into the garage. Where I've been working, a cherry tree I'd intended on felling because I'd noticed last time that part of the main stem was rotten, came down in Storm Gerrit. So next time I get a window in the weather, turning that into firewood is the job on the agenda. I'll definitely get two if not three trailer loads out of that.

I also had a lovely luncheon of the last of the turkey, bacon & onion that I fried up with the liver the other day stuffed into a sandwich, some cheese, a pear, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

The plan is to have a quiet evening footling around in the IMechE archive again. I've been tackling the stuff in there from the most recent to the oldest, so I'm now getting to the point where things are becoming less relevant. But there's still the odd bit lurking in there related to the engines that I need to research and identify, so I need to keep going.

Currently sat down with a :cuppa:

View from the balcony this morning.

Posted to show that we do see blue sky occasionally. If you lot could stop sending us your used manky weather so we could see it a bit more, that'd be great. Thanks.
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