Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
The fire in the Blackpool tower has turned out to be orange netting blowing in the wind.

You better keep your easy-peelers out of sight in the supermarket trolley, in case someone tries to put them out.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wasted day really as nothing done of any consequence.
Made a few half hearted attempts to go for a walk but heavy rain appeared each time so just gave up.
Calmac upsetting more punters by putting the late afternoon ferry half an hour early presumably due to more bad weather approaching. Check in for vehicles is 30 minutes before sailing but I always try to get there 60 minutes before. They often leave 10 minutes early. Passenger check in is 10 minutes before sailing time so no more would get on board anyway.


Legendary Member
Got home to find the paperwork from my work's pension provider had been delivered. I will shortly be going over it very carefully, completing the necessary bits, going over it very carefully again to make sure I haven't missed anything and then signing the appropriate sections.
Tomorrrow there will be a final check before everything goes into an envelope and then I'm off to the Post Office.


Leg End Member
Hopefully weather permitting i might get an early am tide in tomorrow


Legendary Member
Paperwork checked at least 3 times, the bank account details for the pension to be paid into even more and the postal address for the forms to be returned to carefully copied. I will also pop into work tomorrow even though I'm not working just to scan and email the paperwork to myself as a back-up.

Time for a celebratory beer or four :cheers:


Leg End Member
Paperwork checked at least 3 times, the bank account details for the pension to be paid into even more and the postal address for the forms to be returned to carefully copied. I will also pop into work tomorrow even though I'm not working just to scan and email the paperwork to myself as a back-up.

Time for a celebratory beer or four :cheers:
Always a good idea to get a full backup copy for your own records.
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