Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
A fire at Blackpool tower doesn't sound good

It's not a fire, apparently.. It's orange netting flapping in the wind!


Vice Admiral
Thanks, @Speicher , for your question about butter. I'd just got on the bus after a tour of Tesco's, read your post, and realised I'd forgotten to buy some. I picked some up at the new Budgen's round the corner. (No idea about the dimplungs though.)

I usually buy Lurpak, yes it is spendy*, but I really like it, and use it sparingly.

* Is that one of @Reynard's words?

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
It's not a fire, apparently.. It's orange netting flapping in the wind!

Yet a couple of our acquaintance claimed to have seen the flames from a local hill, about 30 miles from the tower.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I have just invented a new word: twently. :unsure:

On a different note, how much butter do you use when making dumplings? T

The first recipe I looked at required 75g of frozen butter, grated. Awkward 'cos there is no butter in the freezer. The second recipe called for 25g of butter (with about the same quantity of flour in both recipes). I went with the lower quantity and they were fine. Would you use so much butter in dumplings?


I use beef suet.
It's been a vaguely bright and rather blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, with the occasional passing shower.

Did not sleep well thanks to a very, ah, naughty dream. Whoops! Spent the morning sorting out the shopping - taking fruit & veg out of the packaging and storing in cardboard trays and such like, and doing much the same with bread etc, except that stayed *in* the packaging. Unwanted packaging went either into standard recycling or soft plastics recycling.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with posh ham, the other with brie & cranberry sauce, plus a tangerine, a pear and some avocado.

After lunch I got stuff all bagged and labelled, ready for the freezer. Then I went to play Tetris in the freezer with the chicken breasts, most of a large side of salmon cut up into individual portions plus the half a de-boned turkey. Managed to get that all in, and there's actually still some space. I found two beef joints that I'd forgotten about - actually, they're two halves of a single large joint.

Took the remainder of the salmon side and made up the requisite quantity of salt, sugar & pepper mix that will turn it into gravlax, and that's also now back in the fridge.

I can now sit down and chill with a :cuppa: safe in the knowledge that everything that needed going into the freezer is now in there with the minimum of fuss. TBH, I'm relieved that there was diddly squat on sticker on Boxing Day, as things are much more manageable on the food front. The last thing that's left to do is to do the bill for the friend I also sticker for.

I have also arranged to go and see a tortie cat that Ely CP currently have in. Whether she'll be right for us is another matter entirely.
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