Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Is she going to sit on the new pillows while looking after the babbits?

The pillows are for us, the kale is for the wabbits.. 🐰 👍


Vice Admiral
I have just invented a new word: twently. :unsure:

On a different note, how much butter do you use when making dumplings? T

The first recipe I looked at required 75g of frozen butter, grated. Awkward 'cos there is no butter in the freezer. The second recipe called for 25g of butter (with about the same quantity of flour in both recipes). I went with the lower quantity and they were fine. Would you use so much butter in dumplings?


Oops that was embarrassing. Got stopped for a self scan bag check in Sainsbury's and the last item I had picked up hadn't self scanned. That flipping dodgy in-store WiFi. Resulted in a full rescan. Thankfully only ten other items. Three of those being this year's sales purchases, three side plates.

Got rather damp jeans and socks this morning in town. It was dry until I came out of the bank having paid in a cheque in at the third attempt. Turned out the self serve machine I was using wasn't good at reading cheques. The next but one was the best I was told. A strip of tape over the pay in cheques wording might have been an idea.

Did last night at last find my missing glasses, they were caught on the inside rear of the bedside cabinet that is a pair of pull out wicker baskets hence not visible looking straight down.
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I put money in, she spends it. SWMBO's has arrived in her account. :blink: :whistle:

Isn't that normal?


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
My smartphone SIM card has suddenly decided that sitting in my phone as it has done for some considerable time with no change to the situation, means that it should now randomly switch itself off with no warning.

This has happened a few dozen times over the last year. Usually the only solution is to take it out of the phone and put it back in again, but that requires the PIN number which I don't have with me.

Would ordering a new SIM card help, does anyone know?

My SIM played up a couple of times recently. Switching the phone on & off worked but in the end I took it out & wiped it. If that doesn't work you might need to ring your provider for a new SIM.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've washed, dried & lubed my CX and Brommie as they've been ridden a few times in mucky conditions. They're now happy under their covers in the shed until next time (possibly even next year!! 😯)

As it was between rain showers, I did a few chores in the garden and quite a few weeds have been hoed on my vegetable patch . Several beetroot & carrots have been harvested and will be roasted over the weekend.
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