Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's still very damp underfoot from yesterday afternoon's rain and very breezy, but at least there was a moonlit ride to work this morning. I think we're in for a very quiet morning at work as, if this wind continues, the Port will stop operations with sustained gusts over 40mph.

Last day at work for 2023 so I've celebrated with a couple of shortbread fingers to go with the first cuppa of the day.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Still raining but not so windy tho' Calmac are sending out disruption warnings.
Travel chaos these days as boats and buses do not coincide due to weather and people looking for lifts as otherwise it means in some cases a wait of several hours at a ferry terminal for the scheduled bus.
Being a relatively small community pleas on FB do have some help and in one case there was a volunteer willing to drive 40 miles each way for an OAP.
Problems with some medication which the chemist cannot get. This is becoming a relatively common problem but fortunately nothing life threatening so far.
Nothing planned for the day so off for coffee.


That is it,no more Christmas food of any sort.At 01-00 this morning awful acid reflux.Won't go in to detail,but it seems those wonderful nuts may have some form spice dusted on some of them,plus the brandy soaked cake.what a morning.Slept semi sat up.Pig why do i always eat too much.Stuff i would not eat in such amounts through the year,numpty.


That is it,no more Christmas food of any sort.At 01-00 this morning awful acid reflux.Won't go in to detail,but it seems those wonderful nuts may have some form spice dusted on some of them,plus the brandy soaked cake.what a morning.Slept semi sat up.Pig why do i always eat too much.Stuff i would not eat in such amounts through the year,numpty.

I'm the same, must spend a fortune on Gaviscon.
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