Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Tax return payment is in my bank account. Or rather the joint account I share with SWMBO: I put money in, she spends it. SWMBO's has arrived in her account. :blink: There you go @Hebe - get on with it.

Oh, and is the present from Mr Hebe for next Christmas or the one that's gone? If it's this year's it's a wee bit late and shouldn't he have got you something else to apologise? :whistle:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well earlier.
Looks like the rain has almost stopped.
Tomorrow's planned ride cancelled due to the wind speed
My smartphone SIM card has suddenly decided that sitting in my phone as it has done for some considerable time with no change to the situation, means that it should now randomly switch itself off with no warning.

This has happened a few dozen times over the last year. Usually the only solution is to take it out of the phone and put it back in again, but that requires the PIN number which I don't have with me.

Would ordering a new SIM card help, does anyone know?


My smartphone SIM card has suddenly decided that sitting in my phone as it has done for some considerable time with no change to the situation, means that it should now randomly switch itself off with no warning.

This has happened a few dozen times over the last year. Usually the only solution is to take it out of the phone and put it back in again, but that requires the PIN number which I don't have with me.

Would ordering a new SIM card help, does anyone know?

Have you tried a bit of isopropyl alcohol on the contacts? I use a spectacle wipe. Ordering a new SIM should rule out the phone being on the blink.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Well.. My ride was a bit blowy but not too wet. Happily, there was a window of opportunity between 10:00 ish & 13:00 ish when the rain & wind eased a bit.


Mince Pies & coffee @ Salcey Forest were mist enjoyable 👌


Well the brightness of Christmas is fading fast.daughter left this morning and is already home.F i L left yesterday,and what great timing,the weather was perfect yesterday.Christmas table cloth is gone.Presents have left the room,no Christmas music is playing.It is so quiet.In a couple of days down will come the tree,and that will be it.But a lot to look forward to.Daughter especially.A holiday in Wales at the sea side with nine pals.A short time in Rome again with pals,then the most amazing invitation to a Wedding in India i have told her she must go,the colour,the noise,the culture,the food the travelling,what a holiday to look forward to.We have plans also so come on 2024 going to live everything to the full and get some cycling done.


getting better all the time
Tax return payment is in my bank account. Or rather the joint account I share with SWMBO: I put money in, she spends it. SWMBO's has arrived in her account. :blink: There you go @Hebe - get on with it.

Oh, and is the present from Mr Hebe for next Christmas or the one that's gone? If it's this year's it's a wee bit late and shouldn't he have got you something else to apologise? :whistle:

I did a Lidl shop for the few bits that we needed, then got bogged down in trying to date some darkroom work so I can correctly edition it for an exhibition/sale. I think I’ve got all the dates now 🤞 Which is a very long-winded way of saying I did not get to my tax return today. In a master stroke of procrastination I also asked Mr Hebe for the allen keys so I could take the arms off an office chair but it was a nice easy job and he did it.
The Xmas gift is from him for me, for the Christmas just gone. It just didn’t arrive when the store said it would. He did buy me books as well. DPD should be bringing it tomorrow. It’s far too exciting for the mundane news thread though! I was told that my Xmas list was too sensible and lacking ambition and would I put something more exciting on it. So I added an amp, and a guitar, on the basis that he’d maybe buy the amp. He bought the guitar :wub:


House vacated of father and the spare room put back to its non bedroom use thanks to having a bed settee. Folding indoor bike thingy dragged back into it in prep for it getting used shortly.

Christmas lowlight was turning the wrong light on the ceramic hob and melting the kitchen scales :banghead: Thankfully have a spare set.
It's been a mild and very blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, with the occasional bout of sideways rain.

Was up early to sort out my friend's share of the turkey and stock before meeting up with her for a walk with the dogs around the village playing fields. She was well chuffed, so I'm a happy camper. When I got home, I strained all the bones out of the stock and picked the remaining meat off. There is enough to make a nice pie.

Had a lovely luncheon of toast, the remaining of the herrings in cream sauce (it's the Listner-branded ones in to little oval tub that you'll find in the Polish chilled stuff in supermarkets), a tangerine, a pear and two :cuppa:

Then off into town to post my mate's birthday present and a couple of bits for the parental. Dropped into Peacocks for another furkle, and there was ONE onesie in my size, lurking on the sale rail, but with no tags and a plain hanger. Anyways, I snapped it up and got it for the sale price of £12. Success there. Less so in Waitrose. Loads of Min Spies and Xmas biskits on clearance, but really, I don't need either, so didn't bite. What I *did* want were cranberries, but there were none to be had. That's unusual. Ah well, hey ho. Got caught out in a bout of sideways rain while walking back to the car, and my *rse and legs got soaked.

Came home to an e-mail from the Belgian Bureaucrats saying thank you, all sorted. It's only taken three months...

Cat has been fed (fresh tuna I picked up on YS on Xmas Eve) and soon it will be time to feed me. I kept back the turkey liver from the pack with the giblets, and it's about to hit the frying pan along with onions and bacon. It's so big, it'll feed both of us.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wind died down a bit but chaos on mainland with fallen trees, flooding and snow in parts causing traffic to get bogged down.
Some point out EV’s could be a problem when getting stuck as batteries would not last and no heating.

Hospital appointments dept. have caused problems by giving an appointment with a consultant who will be on annual leave. Everything has to be cancelled from ferries, accommodation and patient transport and then all rescheduled. Not as easy as it sounds.
Son should be home the day before the new appointment so can transport me as you are not allowed out unescorted if you have been sedated.
This also may cause problems with my food supplies but hopefully I should last out until I can restock on mainland.
It is also forecast to get colder so there could be transport problems.
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