Mundane News

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Legendary Member
For me, I think the past few days can be summed up by one word - overconsumption. I'll actually be pleased to get back to work tomorrow to back to normality.



Legendary Member
I see on Facebook that a work colleague has got engaged. I think that is the third time since I joined the company seven years ago.

I had to resist the temptation to say "Hopefully it will be third time lucky!"


Legendary Member
Another day of eating more food in one sitting than I'd normally eat in two or three days. A good time was had by all at mum's this afternoon.

There was no way I was going to waste the sunshine this morning and I managed to get a quick Festive 50k ride in despite a bit of a headwind for more of the ride than I was expecting.

Thankfully that's it for another 364 days and normality returns tomorrow at 06:30 when the alarm clock will go off as it's back to work for me.
Wifey just tested positive for covid. who sleeps on the couch? me or her?
It's been a bright and sunny, but comparatively chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not have the best night's sleep - I slept, but not deeply, so felt rather tired. Did some chores this morning, filling up the wood bins in the house and such like. After luncheon, I went into town to scout out the sales and the yellow stickers in Tesco.

Both the latter were a near total bust. Peacocks still had onesies (mum said she'd fund me two), but they only had stick insect and circus tent sizes left. They didn't have any thermal socks left either, so walked out empty-handed. Diddly squat on yellow sticker in Tesco. And that's not that there wasn't anything worth taking, there wasn't anything *AT ALL*

The YS cabinets around the store were all completely empty. Virtually nothing of interest on clearance either. There was a wall of Christmas puddings. It would have been rude not to take any, so I took two. Also picked up some nuts, cheese and two packs of cards in the clearance. My usual till lady said to me that people have been complaining all day that there was nothing on sticker and hardly anything on clearance, so it wasn't just me... Ah well, hey ho.

So came home early and de-boned that damned turkey. It's a straightforward enough job if you know where to put the knife / scissors, just time consuming. The fiddliest bits are stripping the wings and removing the tendons from the lower legs. I have four kilos of meat from the five and a half kilo bird. The carcass, other bones and the giblets are currently simmering away in the company of onions, carrots, celery, rosemary, bay leaves, parsley, peppercorns and allspice berries.

Except for the liver. I kept that aside for my supper tomorrow. I shall slice it up and fry it with onions and bacon. :hungry:

I am going halves on the turkey with a friend, so we will have two kilos of meat and around three pints of stock each. Madam Lexi did the preliminary quality control procedure on the bird, and I have to say that it passed muster.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and a toasted crumpet. I will have to wrap a friend's birthday pressie later, as I need to get it into the post.
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