Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I ventured out for about 20 miles. Nice bright day makes a nice change from all the recent wind and rain. My feet are like blocks of ice. Very dusty and tatty Kalkoff been dragged out of the back of my parents' garage and pressed into service for the past few days.



Vice Admiral
My two books were Richard Osman's "Thursday Murder Club" and Hamza Yassin's "How to be a Birder".

The latter is not, in my opinion, just about how to identify birds, more a written description of their habitat, what they feed on, how they got their name, and where they migrate to/from. The introduction is a concise (49 pages) auto biography, fascinating reading.

The calendar is this one
and has large photographs of the Scottish Landscape.

My presents from me to me were a box (or two) ^_^ of chocolates and a Laurel Burch handbag.
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getting better all the time
Apparently, the last full moon of the year is called the Cold Moon. I saw it hanging over London in the north-east and resolved to take a picture of it when it reached the horizon. I, of course, immediately forgot about it. When I remembered, it had already disappeared below the horizon.
Amazing bright moon here this morning.
My two books were Richard Osman's "Thursday Murder Club" and Hamza Yassin's "How to be a Birder".
I had the most recent Richard Osman novel on my Christmas list but no-one bought it. Not to grumble though, I have some nice other books to work my way through.

I had a walk this morning and am now considering watching the Suzi Q documentary dvd that I had for Christmas. I’ve peeled the veggies for tonight’s roast :angel:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Should have taken the trike out but the low sun and low temperature dissuaded me so had a walk instead.
Temp. 2C but no ice visible tho’ the car had a shimmy if not careful.
Snow on the highest Mull mountains but nothing to be seen northwards on Morvern.
Stopped at the graveyard to check my wife’s grave. Flowers still ok for now. She specified a white rose to be planted but that is not possible as not allowed and the red deer would eat it anyway.
Artificial roses will have to do instead but the deer have even sampled them sometimes. The ashes of my eldest son are scattered here as well and that is recorded on the headstone, leaving space for my own demise to be recorded.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
apparently our insurance company will no longer cover the cost of anesthesia for colonoscopies :wacko:
We get the option of sedation or not as we wish but no anaesthesia. For cystoscopy it used to be anaesthesia but now only sedation is offered.
Guess where I am going in a couple of weeks Aargh.
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