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I have been reading a paperback book by Geoffrey Wellum an ex RAF fighter pilot from WW2 who died last year I think in his 90's. I am nearly at the last chapter . It has been a good read. The book is called First Light. It seems different to other similar books I have read in the past, a bit more about his personal feelings I think. He didn't say how many planes he shot down but said about how he almost became a victim and nearly crashed several times. It was interesting reading how he was posted to a front line fighter squadron during the Battle of Britain fresh from training where battle hardened pilots were. Some of whom I recognised from reading their books , R. S. Tuck, J. Kent. Johnny Kent was interesting. A lot of pilots thought he was mad! He started off being a test pilot testing barrage balloon cable cutting devices and deliberately flew into barrage balloons!
I'll have to find my other old books and compare them .

Before I started secondary school my auntie us to drag all of us round the craft fair they had. One time my dad was waiting in the corridor near the hall. At one end was WW1 at the other WW2 old boys memorial boards. I spotted him looking for a name, turned out he lived round the conner from us. He was in the RAF and died along with the rest of the crew when his wellington crashed on a routine exercise. The investigation found no blame a mechanical fault meant the wing fell off mid flight. His mum was given a pension and they paid for a very impressive grave for him.

Every year the school had a remembrance assembly. Part of which inc before the last post was played 8 5th years one for each column who'd been picked. To read out all the names would walk out the hall and lay a wreath on each board. The names would then start to echo round the school.

On the day the whole school had form period with the doors all left open all standing for the 2 minute silence and as last post as it played out round the school and staying silent as the name got read out. Each form picked a boy and girl to represent them in the assembly. I was lucky as I was picked twice. Lucky our form room was near to enough to hear the names every year. I always made sure to listen out for him and use to tell my mates about him.


Legendary Member
My BIL made this for me and mrs p We always appreciate presents that he takes time and thought to make and has some meaning This inspired by the the beach huts near Cromer


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Isle of Mull
Another wet, windy miserable day.
Calmac putting out warnings " If you are planning to travel today do it now as ferries probably off later"

They do get some praise as a friend who was First Officer on tankers before retiring came over on the Lochaline/Fishnish run.
He was so impressed he took to FB and used phrases like " superb seamanship at Fishnish". He also took some video of the conditions when crossing which was indeed a bit wild.

My friendly slug has appeared again in my kitchen sink. No idea how it gets in but logically it cannot be the same one as before which has been flushed down the loo every visit.
Given that the time interval is about a month every time it is strange. :unsure:


Early dog walk and turned round and off to the butchers to collect the turkey it was starting to get busy once i'd got in the queue early.
When I left it was getting quite longways to go early.
A bit of a confusion when I told them what i'd come for, lucky my friend on the counter soon sorted it out. Though due to the mix up I've ended up with a bigger lump of turkey then normal been charged less too. Now having a :cuppa:before I start the morning jobs.
Another wet, windy miserable day.
Calmac putting out warnings " If you are planning to travel today do it now as ferries probably off later"

They do get some praise as a friend who was First Officer on tankers before retiring came over on the Lochaline/Fishnish run.
He was so impressed he took to FB and used phrases like " superb seamanship at Fishnish". He also took some video of the conditions when crossing which was indeed a bit wild.

My friendly slug has appeared again in my kitchen sink. No idea how it gets in but logically it cannot be the same one as before which has been flushed down the loo every visit.
Given that the time interval is about a month every time it is strange. :unsure:

It's taken it that time to walk back! :whistle:


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where we have the unusual sight of sunshine and almost clear skies although it does look to be a bit breezy out there. I'm making the most of having nothing to do with a decent lie in, to the extent that it's almost 2nd coffee time and breakfast will become elevensies instead. The flowers don't need to be collected until after midday so I've plenty of time to continue with the idleness.


Legendary Member
How did that bike appear on my Ebay watch list :whistle:?


That's better

Unintentionally quite clever parking at Waitrose as I pulled into a space where those to one side were set slightly deeper. Meant a back door was readily accessible to put the new bread maker on the back seat
Being Christmas I bought an organic 2 pints of milk which the voucher made the same price as a normal one, or rather I picked up the wrong one:unsure:
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