Mundane News

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getting better all the time
Afternoon jobs have gone a bit out the window. Just finishing off prepping the veg and boxing it ready for the fringe. Mrs 73 was bringing in the washing . I looked out only to see her go flying and taking a tumble on the path, rushed out fearing the worse.
A quick check over and ok for her to move. Once i'd help her get up and back in the house a good check over and she was ok. Other than her hand that hurts a bit. She not in pain and has full movement Lucky she did not hit her head. So bang went evenings job have to finish off things after the dog walk. Up till then we'd been working well together getting the job done.
Just made her something to eat and will be pampering her a bit tonight and keeping an eye on her.
Lucky her best jumper is ok but needs a good wash soon as so sorting that out now along with the rest of her clothes.
She having a good long hot bath in a bit so that will need another clean later.
I hope Mrs Tom73 feels better soon and that her hand is ok.

Worst day I have seen for ages. Wind and rain never let up.
Nothing much achieved but since there was some church interiors posted earlier I looked out my photos of the Italian Chapel on Orkney.
Old tin huts and the chapel interior done with anything they could get by Italian POW’s. Tourists nicked some bits so the originator was found in Italy and brought back to fix the damage.
I have the exterior pictured as well but need to scan it later. Very impressive.

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I read about this chapel in a cycling book a week or two back. Lovely to see this photo - thank you. Hope the weather calms down soon.

My Amazon package arrived promptly. Morrisons was surprisingly quiet. I am now ready for Christmas.


Legendary Member
I popped out on the bike early this afternoon for a slow bimble around to see how busy the area was - the local butcher had a queue of around 10 people at around 1pm, but the supermarkets (or at least the car paks I rode through) seemed to be fairly empty. Did everyone go out early or will chaos hit on Sunday? The busiest part of Felixstowe was the free 'ice' rink which had a long queue of yougsters waiting to have a go. Very breezy, but lots of people walking on the seafront prom.

The late afternoon was spent filing the past 4 months of credit card bills, pay slips and similar financial paperwork. Some time on Sunday will be spent shredding all the old stuff.


Legendary Member
Worst day I have seen for ages. Wind and rain never let up.
Nothing much achieved but since there was some church interiors posted earlier I looked out my photos of the Italian Chapel on Orkney.
Old tin huts and the chapel interior done with anything they could get by Italian POW’s. Tourists nicked some bits so the originator was found in Italy and brought back to fix the damage.
I have the exterior pictured as well but need to scan it later. Very impressive.

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I was aware of it as I had read about it but never saw pictures before. That's very impressive :becool:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I might go for a ride just after that

I'll keep an eye out for you somewhere between Orlingbury & Isham then 👍


Hong Kong
Good morning from Tokyo


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