Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
It may not be available where you are but we have Patient Transport in Scotland run by the Scottish Ambulance Service.
I have been summoned to a hospital in Paisley about 100 miles and a ferry trip away from home. I am not confident driving into a major conurbation now and refused the appointment.
This has been reinstated since my DIL organised the Patient Transport which is a minibus ambulance from Oban which does a tour of mainly Glasgow hospitals depending on demand.
You have to be reasonably unfit to qualify and I get on because I currently use 2 sticks for walking and public transport would be impossible.
You get dropped off as required and collected when finished. Apparently they also speed up your place in the system to allow them to get back to base within normal working hours.
I make it easier for them by arranging a mainland pick up and drop off which I can get to by car.

Getting to his "usual" hospital is not too bad. Short drive to a railway station with oodles of parking, trains every hour, twenty minute train journey, ten minute walk to hospital from station. If there is a long wait for the next train back, some lovely meals/snacks are available.

Why would they give an appointment so much further away, on a Bank Holiday, when that appointment is not necessary? (Rhetorical question)


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

Finished work reasonably early so popped to the local farm shop to pick up the Christmas veg... 🎅 🤶
Lovely luncheon of a wholemeal roll filled with brie & home made cranberry sauce, plus an apple, a satsuma and two :cuppa:

It took me all afternoon and well into dusk to sort out the apples, wash them thoroughly and stack them in clean trays in the utility room. The morning triage missed some that had been nibbled, so I had to wang the equivalent of another tray into the garden after checking each fruit individually. Ah well, the wildlife will have a good munch on them. I've got four trays left from nine, although that also included a tray of meddlars. My work jeans and my gardening shoes got pretty soaked.

I've also discovered that it's wood mice rather than rats. That's at least something, but they're such destructive little sods. Instead of nibbling on just a few apples, they've taken a bite here and a bite there and chewed others to pieces.

As a result, I didn't have the time to saw up any firewood. That is deferred till tomorrow. Mind you, with a chainsaw, you can cut up a good bit of firewood in a relatively short space of time, and all the lengths I have in are already all pre-trimmed. I also have some puttering around in the kitchen that wants doing - I need to make another batch of cranberry sauce as we've nearly eaten the first batch - whoops! Mind, I did give some to a friend. I also need to braise my red cabbage as this always tastes better if done a few days in advance. I must also not forget to take the pork joint out of the freezer so that it can defrost prior to brining.

Anyways, I'm now sat back with a :cuppa: and having a good giggle with the parental unit.

I do not intend on doing very much this evening.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I did enough shopping when last off on mainland to last for a few weeks so no need to take part in the current madness.
Cold, wet, windy miserable day and never got beyond a visit to the bin.
I notice a reference earlier by tom73 to currant squares which I suppose is what we always called “fly cemeteries”. No idea what the supermarkets call them but any local bakers always knew what was wanted.
We now have all sorts of twee teashops which no doubt do similar things for touroid.
There are still meat and cheese suppliers outwith the town but everything else has been closed by the malign influence of one supermarket.
Competition is now coming in from outside supermarkets doing box deliveries once a week. The settlers think this is wonderful and so much better than local shops.


Legendary Member
I decided to attend a carol service tonight in one of the local churches with mulled wine and mince pies and Christmas cake afterwards.

The service is by candlelight apparently so better be generous when the collection plate comes round as they must be struggling to pay their electric bill!
Thank you. Mr Hebe was signed off work sick at the back end of summer. He’s hoping for a phased return a bit later in the new year. Hebe Jnr had mocks at school and 6th forms to look at. Just as things were quietening down a bit Mr Hebe’s dad got very poorly and died last week just when everyone thought he was turning a corner (in retrospect he was, just a different corner to the one we thought). The death certificates arrived yesterday and it felt like we could all draw breath and start getting on with life again for a couple of weeks before the funeral. The bikes are all in the garage, looked after but not ridden in months, it felt wrong to be doing something just for me with all the other rubbish going on. Which I know is terrible logic.

*HUGS* hun xxx
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